No-Sweat Summer: 3 Crockpot Recipes to Keep Your Kitchen Cool! Winner Dinners 198

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If it’s warming up where you are, it’s time to think about using your slow cooker more often for dinner. Using the oven just heats up …

50 replies
  1. @ericarandall2692
    @ericarandall2692 says:

    A LIVE would be EPIC! Zest-fully clean! I wear bifocals, I cannot go without them. When you are having tacos, lay a tortilla on the plate under your tacos, eat over that, then you just pick up that tortilla with all of the β€œmess” and have yourself another taco! Have a blessed week y’all.

  2. @annlalonde6809
    @annlalonde6809 says:

    Speaking of napkins, I made some frozen burritos for my roommate, the other day. Well you have to wrap them in paper towels to microwave. I didn't think anything about it I took them in with his salsa. Well he didn't know why his knife wouldn't go through the burritos. He even tryed to chew what he did cut off. Then he told me when I went in there that they are very tough burritos. Take the paper towels off!

  3. @dianajones8598
    @dianajones8598 says:

    Hi πŸ‘‹ Mandy.!
    Love these Crock-Pot meals.
    Can't wait to give them a go for my family.
    This was a fun video, always love the banter between you both.!

    Zest makes you feel 🫧🫧🫧🧼🧽🚿

    I have to take my eye glasses πŸ€“ off to eat because the food looks to close to my face, and I can't hit my mouth. πŸ˜…

    Love ya'll. God bless you and keep you safe πŸ™πŸΌ

  4. @lindah5910
    @lindah5910 says:

    Zest soap would NOT be good in any of your dishes but yes, I think of that old commercial, too. Thanks for sharing! I am new to the air fryer and damn, girl, how did I miss out on this nirvana maker for I don't know how many years? Well, I did, and now I am making up for lost time. Happy June (can it be when it is so blinkety blink hot?)!

  5. @MamaTata86
    @MamaTata86 says:

    🎢🎡 You're not fully clean unless you're ZEST fully clean.. 🎢 🎡
    Lol. Those Salisbury steak meatballs look delicious! I'm making them as we speak. I hope they're as good as Steven's reactions say they are πŸ˜‚
    Thank you for sharing these recipes with us Mandy. 😊 I can't wait to try them all!.

  6. @sandraitnyre5515
    @sandraitnyre5515 says:

    So I am making the Salisbury meatballs. Do I mix the gravy packets per their directions? I didn't see where you mentioned the the amount of water. I used 2 cups of beef broth and now I am waiting on them so I guess we shall see. I used 1 beef and 1 mushroom gravy packs. Oh, sams makes a great mashed potatoes Yukon gold refrigerator mashed potatoes. Yum.

  7. @karenswidzinski6071
    @karenswidzinski6071 says:

    I had to laugh at the napkin situation! Reminds me of my husband's style. When I'm done eating, my napkin gets folded up… even though I'm about to throw it away. My husband's napkin always looks like it's been shredded by an angry bear! πŸ™‚

  8. @debbied3116
    @debbied3116 says:

    I have to keep my glasses on when eating or I would not be able to see my plate! πŸ™‚ The salisbury steak looks good. That will be my dinner tonight! πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing!!

  9. @MarjieAnn
    @MarjieAnn says:

    Oh my gosh, yes, go live! Y'all are so much fun! That would be fabulous!

    On an aside, having a hard time here, so grateful for people like you, Mandy, and your sweet family! And of course your sweet Miss Kitty!

    Y,all never fail to make me smile!

  10. @sofieonecrow3380
    @sofieonecrow3380 says:

    Have you done any videos about making your own spice and seasoning mixes, both savory and sweet? I'm looking for recipes for such mixes so I can control what goes into them and save money…plus, always have them on hand.

    Loved this video and the repartee between the two of you! Thank you both!
    Martha in Pennsylvania


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