No Packaged Meals – West Coast Trail | camping, hiking, backpacking recipes | meals

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Come along for our trip on the West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island, Canada. Permit link: …

8 replies
  1. Heliattack
    Heliattack says:

    Love seeing you do this. Used to guide youth at risk on the WCT. AND we didn't have ready to purchase dehydrated meals in those days. Lots of our meals were very similar to your meals I am enjoying watching your vids and LOVE to have a place to refer people too!

  2. Lloyd Jones
    Lloyd Jones says:

    wow… as you walked along this beach eating amazing food and enjoying life, did you know that what is thought to be one of the smallest tectonic plate in the world was sliding under the North American plate just below your feet? Just looking at the geology in that area would keep me busy for years. the rocks and crevasses long which you walked are the remains scrapped from the top of the once very large Juan de Fuca plate.

  3. LaVerne Lee
    LaVerne Lee says:

    I dehydrate all of my food and I typically carry 7 – 10 pounds for a 5 night/6 day trek. I typically carry one of your meals (DELICIOUS!). Given that you all carried about 5 pounds more than I do I see no reason why I can't do the same. Excellent vlog!


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