No Oven, Eggless Chocolate Biscuit Roll |5 Ingredients ONLY | Choc Salami | Chocolate Biscuit Cake

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I think there is no other childhood combination I miss more than when craving dessert. I would melt some chocolate and dunk biscuits in it. It would make me feel …

31 replies
  1. Nsr Nsr
    Nsr Nsr says:

    Hello Shivesh, I tried your version of eggless vanilla,wheat cake and eggless double chocolate cake. Everyone in family loved it. It turned out awesome 😋. One request please share the links for good quality essence and colour for cakes that are easily available and colours that used in rainbow 🌈 cake

  2. Kajal Katrela
    Kajal Katrela says:

    I Tried Making Donuts..
    And I Just wanted To Know How Many days Can we Store it and How Do we Store It.
    And If It Gets Hard Or Rubbery In Texture What Do we Do For That Please Help..

  3. Rini Vishwas
    Rini Vishwas says:

    Hey Shivesh!
    Looks great definitely gonna try and desperately want to buy ya book to bake more 😋 I love baking too.
    Can you suggest few dark chocolates that you use?

  4. Sapna Manjunath
    Sapna Manjunath says:

    Shivesh… Can't wait to have these yummy biscuit rolls . Hope Yoda is recovering, I am keeping him in my prayers. Don't worry Shivesh he will be fine soon.. lots of love and hugs to him.


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