No Excuses! Hygge Life, Home and Exercise Chat! Christmas Planning has started!

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No excuses! Hygge life and home – Danish lifestyle vlog and tips! Are you exercising daily? Our Early Christmas Planning Tool 2021 – we have started!

49 replies
  1. Laurey Greider
    Laurey Greider says:

    I got an indoor trampoline, and I love it when I use it, but I’ve been procrastinating and not using it:-/. I walk the dog daily, and swim in the bay 30 min. 4 days a week. Thanks for the inspiration and motivation!💝

  2. Lisa ann
    Lisa ann says:

    I don't know why, I don't like couch pillows, I just find them so uncomfortable. And I definitely don't do decorative pillows. and walking is mainly the exercise i do with resistant exercises because i have arthritis and cant do strenuous routines.

  3. Eileen Carroll
    Eileen Carroll says:

    Starting to receive the watercolor paints and papers for hygge and making special Christmas cards. Doing practice designs at least until the watercolor greeting card blanks arrive. It is more fun than I remembered. Since my family does not exchange gifts for ages out of school, I want to make special Christmas cards (and enjoy my hygge time). Simple designs this year, house portraits next year. 🎄🏠🎄🏠🎄🏠🎄🏠🎄🏠🎄🏠🎄🏠🎄🏠🎄🏠🎄

  4. cygnet019
    cygnet019 says:

    Just a doubt.. I see that your kitchen sink area is always so tidy.. So you wipe away the odd dishes which dont go into the dishwasher and put them away immediately??

  5. cygnet019
    cygnet019 says:

    I'm very inspired by your videos Diane… I love keeping my home clean and tidy but your routines are bringing in a structure to my routine, which Im enjoying!! So Thank you!

  6. Diana Simplifies
    Diana Simplifies says:

    “Pouring with rain” lol. You crack me up. You are the sunny spot! It’s too bad most people in the US don’t have your attitude about exercise! I think our country would be a lot healthier!

  7. Crafty Wifey Crafts
    Crafty Wifey Crafts says:

    Hello Diane! Just curious, now that you're an empty nester, will you be downsizing your Christmas at all this year (Baking, decorations, etc) or will you keep it pretty much the same? Have a terrific day! … Lisa from Canada

  8. Autumn
    Autumn says:

    Outside in rainy weather makes my hair curl – literally! Unruly natural curls that don't cooperate or work together so my favorite 'exercise' of choice is moving to music. Some people might call it 'dancing' but my moves are anything but graceful but the moving is enjoyable. For us older folks, some of us have arthritis that rainy weather triggers and makes walking outside painful.. so dancing inside works for me!

  9. Lindsay
    Lindsay says:

    Diane you are the reason I both love and hate social media. So much is negative about social media in our lives and then there is you… the light in our social media lives. Thank you for being you.

  10. Suzi Scholtz
    Suzi Scholtz says:

    Yup, I did it! I got to the pool today but it was rainy here today as well, so I did not ride my trike. I do not have waterproof pants, so I would have ruined my trousers. So I drove rather than not go, and took a walk with my dog later on.

  11. Susan Frick
    Susan Frick says:

    As I have only recently found your channel, I am wondering how your naked swimming hobby began and how you prepare for and deal with such cold water, is it difficult on your body to swim in the the cold so often? I am a warm weather gal for sure, I almost go in to shock if pool or beach water isn’t almost as warm as my bath water! 😊😜

  12. Beth W
    Beth W says:

    When you picked up that big chunk of ice there in the freezing water, I gained a whole new level of respect for you! I am cold just watching you! I have lots of yard work to do at this time of year, so that is keeping me active. Thanks for your encouraging vlogs!

  13. beritbunny
    beritbunny says:

    I strongly feel for a while now (2-3 years) that I just want to “skip” Christmas. I think some recent negative experiences and sad feelings of that day have increased to the point that I feel like I won’t/can’t have a nice Christmas. What an awful surprise to realize what a negative belief I’m holding! 😨 I think it will be good if I can put some attention on it; and see about cleaning it up a bit. Maybe I need to forgive myself for not taking a break 3 years ago when I needed it! But, also, I “couldn’t” in that time.

  14. Louise Davis
    Louise Davis says:

    Love how you and your husband are embracing the next stage of your lives 💗
    I guess the potato holidays in Denmark are the same idea to the Scottish tattie holidays here 🥔
    Your cake looks delicious, yay to white icing, enjoy 😋

  15. Juliab
    Juliab says:

    A springform pan, we call that. It's for cheesecakes but I like how you call it a tin and I also love how you make your yearly apple cake in it! DD21 just made apple streusel muffins at her new "flat!" Happy Wednesday!! My procrastination task was dropping off paint to get remixed;)

  16. Jean Smith
    Jean Smith says:

    Ha I do use the bad weather in the UK not to go outdoors if I can help it, and I do draw the line at ICE IN THE WATER??!! But I remember when I worked in a Nursery and many of the children lived in high rises or near busy roads and didn't really get much outdoor activities/fresh air – and the Nursery policy was 'dress for the weather and get outside' and the kids loved it – I was still stood shivering but it was lovely!

  17. renik230
    renik230 says:

    Diane. thank you so much for your inspiration! Today I got my Christmas Journal in order for this year, and now I watched your cheerful video message as it's already getting dark early outside. I even wonder, is it time to change things around a bit here too? 😉☘

  18. Mallory Graf
    Mallory Graf says:

    Yes! The hubby and I go back and forth from San Francisco to San Diego. Easy to exercise in San Diego because so sunny, not so easy in SF because cold, foggy and rainy. However, you are my inspiration and I now do early morning ( and late afternoon walks) with my dog Miss Daisy and we have both become much trimmer! It was a bad year for us so your videos helped so much…very inspirational! Thank you and sending you a big hug!!🥰🥰🥰🥰

  19. Elizabeth Harrell
    Elizabeth Harrell says:

    Hi from sunny AZ, it is a beautiful day here, in the 80's F today which is "cool" for here. Love your sea swims, and friends you hang with, always having a good time. How is your hubby coping with the "empty nest"? as always, having my am coffee with you(we are 9 hrs apart I think). also, have you ever seen the series Bosch? detective series my hubby and I are binge watching..really good..much love from us


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