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NINJA FOODi and SWEET ITALIAN SAUSAGE and VEGETABLES, This is great. I hope you can try it soon NINJA FOODi – PRIME …

11 replies
  1. Anthony
    Anthony says:

    those supermarket cooking wines are not really good for cooking…get yourself a nice 5 dollar wine that is drinkable and use that, more flavor.

  2. M
    M says:

    Did you ever think of getting a food saver? I ordered and received mine yesterday. I have yet to try it out. Very plain and simple to use according to the demonstration video I saw, that made me want to get one. I always wanted one, but being so many out there, was confused as to what to get. Too many models to choose from, but THIS particular model I saw, hit the spot. Make your own bags to size wanted. In the demo, this person even sealed items of the package they came in, like frozen veggies after opened to use only some of it to have to put the rest back into the freezer. The contents of breading and mixes you want to seal back up to not have to use clips to hold shut. Now, that is only SEALING them back up. Not using the vacuum. But, I am anxious to use the vacuum sealing etc. to not get freezer burns in the food I want to save in the freezer.

  3. Benjamin Gritter
    Benjamin Gritter says:

    Hello good morning Tom. I don't know if you've ever run into this issue with the Ninja foodi before but sometimes when I'm cooking something that requires water an error message comes up saying Watr. Do you know how to solve that problem?


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