NEW WW plan update plus my weigh in | New plan FACTS

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There has been much speculation about Weight Watchers new plan roll out for 2022/2023 which actually has already rolled out in some countries outside the …

50 replies
  1. Sheryl M
    Sheryl M says:

    First, I am a little concerned about the changes coming down the pike; I have done exceptionally well on Freestyle/Smart Points, I know this plan backwards and forwards and have spent hours uploading recipes into the system so I have a ready cookbook of ideas….and I know their points and serving sizes. I'm concerned about WW turning that upside down on it's head. I also don't get how just drinking a specified amount of water should earn me additional points (calories), I feel like I'm going to be playing with fire with this plan. We will see; I'm not going to bail ship but I am nervous. Second, I noticed the false eyelashes immediately but in a good way! They make your eyes pop and are so much more open. But then you are beautiful Barrett with or without them 🙂

  2. valerie witt
    valerie witt says:

    Thank you for the honesty around eating extra M&Ms I ate too many cookies last night and said to myself that was last night this is this morning so I'm tracking again and eating the protein I need for body and moving forward.

  3. Christine Frost
    Christine Frost says:

    its only low carb vegetables that you earn points from, also if you drink 1.75 litres of water a day, you get an extra point. However, I think you will find that most people will have a lower daily and weekly point count to start with, so adding points from green leafy vegs if a very good thing. I am in Australia and my points went from 23 to 20 a day, also my weeklies went from 21 down to 14. Bonus for me is I can eat avocado for free, however my free list is very small compared with old blue plan. Hope this info helps, though everyone will get different free food based on their answers to the quiz.

  4. Bonnie Nolan
    Bonnie Nolan says:

    I was on weight watchers but stoped about 5 years ago. I did good on the point's plus but had to stop. Life got in the way. I'm really struggling now and tried to stay on my points but it's so hard. 1200 calories a day is not enough and I'm hungry a lot. Glad to here of a new WW plan for 2022. Your lashes look very nice.

  5. Marlene Villasenor
    Marlene Villasenor says:

    Great information. It kinda sounds like it was when I first started and it was points plus. I feel energized. BTW thank you for always giving great information and your honesty. I can relate so much to alot of what you say.

  6. Cheryl Kasson
    Cheryl Kasson says:

    I usually have to recreate the recipes for myself, because I have so many food sensitivities that I need to substitute one or more ingredients, which could change the points for me.

  7. Sandy O
    Sandy O says:

    I don’t see much difference between earning fit points and earning a point or 2 for eating healthy foods, moving or drinking water. It will likely be nominal points added anyway. And we always have the option of not using them just like fit points. Some people may need the extra calories if they’re eating the foods that earn points back. ?? We shall see. I am excited for the new program. Love the lashes, too.

  8. Stephanie VanRiper
    Stephanie VanRiper says:

    Thank you for your videos. It very helpful. I just rejoined WW a month ago. Looking forward to the new plan especially for a diabetic plan. I am diabetic myself and need to lose weight. But also help me to stay on track with my eating.

  9. Lyn Reif
    Lyn Reif says:

    great info… I think we are all going to have to "rebuild" any recipes that are posted….I think it is going to be the hardest on new people, they have a food issues to begin with, and then to have them create zero point foods? I don't agree with that, but that's just me. Being LT, I get it, but not newbies… Thanks Barrett… Love your lashes…. 🙂


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