New Viral KETO FLOUR? – ATK “Dream Biscuits” w/ Victoria’s ‘New Standard Keto Flour 2.0’

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46 replies
  1. Sassypants57
    Sassypants57 says:

    Well….I know what I’m doing tomorrow!! Making Dream Biscuits. I do have a question: I know she says you can use it in any recipe that calls for flour, but do you think it will work for pasta in a pasta machine (like Emeril Lagasse)? I will probably try tomorrow anyway, but I’m curious on your thoughts. I can’t wait to try this flour- I have all the ingredients, including that exact same bag of bamboo fiber. (I actually forgot what recipe I bought it for – now I remember….it was THIS one! 🤦🏻‍♀️)

  2. Sandy Kraynik
    Sandy Kraynik says:

    I started Keto in 2018 and little did I know I became gluten intolerant which meant I could never eat my favorite scone recipe again among so many other things. Thanks to Victoria's new standard keto flour, I am able to enjoy my scones again. I used the Oat Fiber version because Bamboo Fiber is impossible to find. I have to say, the scones taste even better than the original version. I am one happy camper!!! Thank you Victoria for this recipe!!! Thank you Wes for always being willing to test these recipes out for us keto fans! You guys are the best!!!

  3. Betty Owens
    Betty Owens says:

    If anyone makes a bread with her flour please give a shout out. I tried Victoria's bread recipe with her new flour and was hoping it would be taste as good as the biscuites. My number one goal is to find a low carb bread thay tastes decent. I thought about trying the biscuit recipe as a loaf of bread but the calorie count is kind of high unless I was calculating wrong. 3,200 calories in the whipping cream alone.

  4. Eve Rising
    Eve Rising says:

    I was just thinking for those who can’t do dairy, regular nut milk won’t work, but if you use the canned coconut or even coconut cream, it might work because it has a higher fat content. Like the butter fats and cream. When I was trying to make a coconut whipped cream, and use a whip cream dispenser they said you had to add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to a can of coconut cream to make it work 🤔

    I can’t afford to experiment with this flowers as I don’t have much left it thought I’d share the idea

  5. Eve Rising
    Eve Rising says:

    I adore all your facial expressions when you love some thing lol😊

    I thought she made a version with even less xanthan gum. I tried the pecan flour for the bread and though it had a wonderful texture, I wasn’t crazy about the taste. I also think I cut it too soon. I used the pecan version in the pizza crust. 😝 I definitely think almond is the way to go.

    I cannot wait to try these. Thank you. I love you and Victoria both

  6. I Wall Hausser
    I Wall Hausser says:

    How is one supposed to make this when the bamboo fiber is way too expensive, totally unavailable. Since you and Victoria are influencers, try to influence the manufacturers! Your videos are useless if the ingredients are impossible to get

  7. Marlene Wohleber
    Marlene Wohleber says:

    ok, I made these last night and they were good. Not outstanding or anything but good. I was thinking as I was measuring out 9 biscuits that they were very expensive. Has anyone calculated the cost of this recipe? Is it worth it? I figured they had to cost at least $1.00 a piece. Not making them again. Haven't made anything else with the 2.0 but if all the recipes taking 3 or more cups of that expensive concoction of flour and 2 cups of heavy cream, it will break a lot of people's banks.
    I really like Victoria's recipes and her videos. She is one of my favorites, but I just can't believe the cost of this one.

  8. Mike N
    Mike N says:

    Think this recipe is worth a try. I have been missing biscuits and I just got a recipe for 4 biscuits figured out: 1/4 cup Coconut Flour + 1/2 cup NIDO (or some other powdered milk) + 2 packet Stevia + 1 TSP Baking Powder, mix dry, + 1 egg + 1/4 cup Water, mix all ingredients, 350F for 18 minutes

  9. Diane Gougelet
    Diane Gougelet says:

    I'm so happy you've given Victoria's flour a shot! I've been singing her praises since she created her 1st flour. Thanks for this because she deserves recognition. I thoroughly enjoy your videos… especially when you taste the results. You're a HOOT!😁

  10. vicki eardley
    vicki eardley says:

    Hi Wes retired lady from England here 👋 I’m confused with the measurements USA cups & grams 🥴 I just put 3 cups in my bowl and it weighs 104 grms also on Victoria’s channel she says 21/2 cups is 162 grms for the biscuit recipe with butter not cream which I’m trying now 👍🏻, by the way the butter option is just as good however I’ve been doing a lot of research on weights and measurements USA versus UK. 9:25 there is a vast difference in cups USA and UK I’m not sure why metric imperial however you look at it. These recipes have to be adjusted for the UK followers which I’ve been doing for some time, not sure if this information is any use to you but there you go thank you very much for all you do to help everyone 🩷

  11. Michelle Maric
    Michelle Maric says:

    I love it too! Originally tried it with oat fibre and quickly discovered that I am terribly allergic to it (despite using small amounts in my keto baking here and there for almost 6 years). The bamboo fibre is a game changer, this mix also makes crispy cookies…..i had missed a good crunchy cookie.

    Victoria’s cookies are great also, I add some slivered almonds, some ginger powder and cinnamon…. Yum!

  12. Elizabeth Martin
    Elizabeth Martin says:

    I made up a double batch of Victoria's newest bamboo fiber flour, and then I decided to try out a carnivore lifestyle. What was I thinking! I lasted 3 days and am now back on keto where I belong – I need these biscuits in my life. Thank you Wes and Victoria for everything you do to help the keto community!


    Hey……I wanted you to KNOW That your weightless is really noticeable. I am happy for you and also happy that my Friend, Victoria, Her recipe worked GREAT For you!!! I have not tried making the biscuits as f yet, but now I sure want to do so. She has a Keto Version HONEY Sauce on her channel too that I think would go great with this. Have a GREAT Week and thanks for trying out her flour!!

    "MOM" Shelly Cole
    Sharing The Good News Of God's Love Through Christ

  14. Grammy Dee
    Grammy Dee says:

    I made her flour, baked and immediately ordered 3 more bags of bamboo. She is a genius! Its a definite game changer. Just love Victoria's Keto Kitchen. Wes, so glad ya have "seen the light" lol 😁


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