For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com


46 replies
  1. Veronika Kotyzová
    Veronika Kotyzová says:

    I really like your videos and I don't want to say anything bad about them, but I have to point out one thing … you should not use more than 1-2 table spoons of wine in slow cooker because the temperatures are not high enough for the wine to evaporate properly like when cooked on stove. Half a cup of wine is a ton, so you will have actually lot of alcohol left in that dish…

  2. Always Loved
    Always Loved says:

    Love your videos I have been binge watching all night its been so aesthetically relaxing and soothing to watch you do DIYs and etc and share your family with us! Btw your patience is everything with your kids!😂😂You're doing an amazing job overall!

  3. Marquita B Ortiz
    Marquita B Ortiz says:

    Loved all the Crockpot recipes!!

    RE: the recommendation for a garlic press. I’m loving the Pampered Chef one I bought thru my friends daughter. It can bend in reverse to clean it out (the small holes) and it doesn’t smell!! My friend has the same one. She lets Hers air dry then she drops it in a ziplock!! So junk in the drawer doesn’t get it dirty.

    Just a hint shared by my Home Ec Prof. Dry ingredients are measured in metal or plastic cups so they can be leveled off ( never pound to get more in it( could make the recipe drier) also never hit your sloin in the edge of a bowl or crockpot.. you could land cracking or chilling off ceramic and completely ruining the recipe!! For more accurate measuring of ingredients (too dry or wet ?) all liquids get poured and measured in. Flat surface/counter looking at the measurement THRU the measure. You are looking for the meniscus (rounded off top) of all liquids you measure. Makes for more accurate recipe not too wet or dry!! Then you pour it in! Things like Karo syrup you spray w/ cooking spray making your measure easier to empty!!

    For Peanut butter.. I cheat!! I cut off a square of Saran Wrap and lay it over a dry measure.. I pack it in and level it off. I can then flip it in the pan/bowl and can scrape it inside the mixing bowl edge!! It all comes clean!! Yeah! Just some hints from me & my Home Ec Prof. Sooo much to learn!

    Enjoy! Love the cooking dance of Ella’s!! Soon you’ll have another cooking helper… can’t wait soo excited for your family!

    Did you get Bug bro & Big Sus T-shirts. And things specially fir them to do w/ the baby?? Helps them. It be jealous! I witnessed that 1st hand. My Friend’s older boy tried to sit on the sleeping baby’s face w/ a pillow!! Whoa! She freaked he’d do that!! She was pouring us a snack $ drunk while Jr /Je Naples and I saw all the action in the bed! Crazy!! So beware!!

    👶🏼 wah!!


  4. Kelly Muench
    Kelly Muench says:

    Hi Tiffani!! I know that I'm watching this video late but I enjoyed all of the recipes that you shared! They are look delicious!! I enjoy watching your videos and channel daily!! Very excited for your family on the new arrival of Baby Every very soon!! Hang in there girl!! Hope you and your family are doing well!! Hugs!! 👍😍🥰🌻🌺🎉💜💜💜💙💙💙🐶🐶

  5. Katherine Rubio
    Katherine Rubio says:

    Tiffany! You are seriously my inspiration as a mom (soon to be mom of 2) and a soon to be wife! You are incredible and I’ve learned so much just from watching your videos 💜

  6. MC
    MC says:

    I grew up with wooden garlic smasher and that's what I use😬😊 I did try the crusher for a while but hated how it was a hit or miss, and the jarred ones too but still not the same flavor…my kids "use" the smasher too, I break it down mostly lol and it's an extra food prep for my three little cooks ☺️

  7. Erin Hemberger
    Erin Hemberger says:

    All of these look super yummy and I’ll definitely try them out!
    I have to say I LOVE that we can hear your kids in the background and see them randomly. It’s real life and makes me feel so much better about the noise and craziness that is always happening in my house too 😂🥰

  8. kna0001
    kna0001 says:

    Please tell us where you got the pink cardigan! Same one you wore in the pantry organization video! I didn't see it linked or anywhere on your Instagram!

  9. Leah Love
    Leah Love says:

    So I just had to get on here and tell you, today I tried your honey balsamic vinegarette pot roast and it turned out soooo GOOD!! I put carrots in with mine they taste amazing too! THANK YOU TIFF! I look forward to more videos in the future!! ❤❤❤

  10. Jasmine
    Jasmine says:

    Can you link the measuring cups and garlic press? I love the rose gold accent colors in them! You make me want to be a super mom like you! ☺️


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