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31 replies
  1. Plant Based Dads
    Plant Based Dads says:

    Hi everyone. Thanks for watching my new Mary's Mini updates video. In this video, I incorrectly mention that Dr. Bernard wrote Mastering Diabetes. That should have been Reversing Diabetes. Obviously, those of you that read all this stuff know what I was talking bout, but just so there is no confusion for the rest of you, I said the wrong word for the title of the book. They are both great books in either event. Thanks. -Joey

  2. YAH’s chosen Shual
    YAH’s chosen Shual says:

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. 🥲. Today I am starting my Mary’s mini with potatoes. I have been having a hard time staying on track. I’ve been eating a lot of vegan junk food. I want to look good in my bathing suit again! My husband eats stuff that I don’t need to be eating…but it’s in the house. I’m hoping that this will help me get my taste buds back on track, etc. I want to be able to see the junk and not want it! I really appreciate your videos!!

  3. Cathy Stewart
    Cathy Stewart says:

    I’ve been a “McDougaller” for over 25 years now and remember well when Mary’s Mini was first published in the McDougall newsletter. I’ve always done a brown rice based mini with rice and blueberries for breakfast. To be honest, when fruit was dropped, I ignored it, as I was only eating one fruit per day, and it was blueberries for goodness sake, – which I consider essential to a healthy diet. 😋👍Glad to see a return to normalcy.

  4. Chilipepper33
    Chilipepper33 says:

    I hate saying meat for non- meat things too! Like eating ‘Mock Tuna Salad’, what’s wrong with Chickpea Salad? I actually call it sandwich spread 🙂 yum And thanks for the fabulous info!

  5. Veggie V
    Veggie V says:

    People underestimate the amount of calories in vegetables. That 100 calories per pound is an average of less caloric items like greens and more caloric items like broccoli and Brussels sprouts. If you’re mainly eating higher calorie density veggies like broccoli (about 160 cals per cooked pound), Brussels sprouts (also about 160 cals per cooked pound, carrots (about 180 calories per raw pound), onions (about 180 cals per raw pound), etc., those calories add up. You might think there is no way you’re eating a pound of something like broccoli, it that’s just a heaping bowel of veg. Same with Brussels. It’s easy to snack away a pound of carrots, and if you make something with onion in it, a pound raw isn’t that much cooked. Day after day, this adds up. And ya, people say, oh it’s not the veg, and it’s probably not, but it’s something to be aware of. I never had luck with straight starch solution until I focused more on veg more akin to Chef AJs plan.

  6. Mayra Blanco
    Mayra Blanco says:

    I am sorry for your loss. Brand new to this way of eating and trying to learn as much as I can. I wan to be healthier and lose weight. I appreciate the info on the potatoes and cooking them twice b/c as a diabetic always think as not to eat much potatoes. Thanks – great video!

  7. Sherri
    Sherri says:

    Oh my goodness Joey, so sorry to hear of the loss of your brother in law. i appreciate the thorough update on the McDougall changes. You’re the best!

  8. Margriet de Vries
    Margriet de Vries says:

    My condolences, my thoughts are with your family.
    I wonder why whole wheat pasta is not on the list, since it has the same calories per pound as rice and corn, and is high in protein. I overeat on fruit, so I won´t do that.

  9. Esty Naty
    Esty Naty says:

    Guten Morgen from Austria! Condolences for your brother in law 😢. I am glad to that they put beans on the list, I am doing a 10 days beans Mary's minis right now, I love beans, they keep you full and satisfied for much, much longer than any other starch, and as far as the glycemic index goes they are the best. I looked for beans Mary's minis challenges on YouTube and internet but found not a single one 🤷🏻‍♀️, I can not wait until you and other people try it and post the results. If someone is interested how mine went, that I am doing right now, I will tell you gladly. Thank you for the video, very informative, very good explained, God bless you for all the work. Keep the good work 👍🏻


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