Never put this in your cast iron! #shorts

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Top cast iron tips- what not to put in your cast iron. #castironcooking #castironcookware #cowboycooking.

24 replies
  1. @HimynameisB_
    @HimynameisB_ says:

    Can someone explain why I constantly see chefs use metal on cast iron? Sure they might not all be scraping the pan, but it still feels wrong. Best example would be the use of metal spoon in indian cuisine

  2. @amiblueful
    @amiblueful says:

    I made the mistake of making "water method" bacon in a cast iron skillet. I figured that because the water evaporates quickly, it wouldn't be a problem. Well, it was. It absolutely ruined by seasoning.

  3. @randominternetprofile8270
    @randominternetprofile8270 says:

    The metal parts not necessarily true. You can scrape crud off with a metal utensil. If you season correctly, you create a very tough polymer thats more durable than you think. I mean you dont want to white knuckle and scrape until your wrist breaks obviously, but as a preclean method, it's totally fine.

  4. @StrongBarnes90
    @StrongBarnes90 says:

    This might sound weird but sometimes I use my wooden spoons/spatulas to scrape off crud if I can't get it off with a watered sponge.
    Works pretty well and I would imagine doesn't mess with the seasoning.
    Idk it's worked well for me so far 🤷‍♂️


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