Never Go Without These 10 Things in Your Freezer!

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26 replies
  1. Sarah Ireland
    Sarah Ireland says:

    When I make breakfast burritos I combine everything but rhe cheese. That way it's only scooping one time, add cheese and roll them up. Since I live alone, I don't eat them really often so I wrap each one in plastic wrap then put them in a large ziploc bag.

  2. Lissanne
    Lissanne says:

    This is the best list, ever. Half of the items on your list, I wouldn't even think of that going into the freezer. This will really help me out. You're fantastic, giving out your knowledge to all of us folks who don't have enough time to even think or plan, cause we're so busy. Thank you so very much.

  3. IrishRose
    IrishRose says:

    Great idea! Milk also freezes well. So if you find a good buy freeze it! Our son says he doesn't like milk after it's been frozen, but he doesn't notice the difference once it thaws and it is shaken well.

  4. kira kresowaty
    kira kresowaty says:

    Love the ideas but PLEASE stop using all.the freezer bags especially huge ones when youre only doing a spoon or 2 in it to store..convenience doesnt have to be so wasteful

  5. Nessa's Nook
    Nessa's Nook says:

    I love doing the hamburger. I do use a steam basket and all the grease goes like you show. I also started to drain and "wash it" makes for less mess when re using it. I like that I can throw the bags of meat frozen right back into the IP when wanting to use it. I even do that for the taco burger add the seasoning and cook for like 3-5 min and its like all done and nice. I am not a fan of the house smelling like cooked grease just something about that is like eww. I need to get cracking and go thru your videos and make some pre made freezer meals for days I just cant cook for what ever reason. Throw in the IP and wala dinner is ready. I need to do that with the rice also. Not that rice takes forever, but I can see doing that for complete ease! I will make up some tomorrow!

  6. Heidi Stangl
    Heidi Stangl says:

    I usually have about 40 lbs of butter in the freezer at all times but since moving, I've let my stash run out.😭Now with prices going through the roof, I could kick myself for not keeping up my stock when there were sales for $1.99/lb! I live in Wisconsin and my 40+lbs had lasted me for 3 years for me and my husband.(empty nesters). Now I am scrambling to buy at $2.49/lb to get my stock back up in the deep freezer!
    I cant imagine what prices are elsewhere when in the "Dairy State", they are going through the roof! #LGB #FJB

  7. Gail
    Gail says:

    Hey Kristen! 🥰 I always cook rice in my IP now …(it has replaced my rice cooker)…I use it for dinner and maybe for fried rice the next day but then put the leftover rice into freezer qt sized bags for freezing…Then I always have some for a future dinner (put it frozen into the microwave for a min maybe two) or for fried rice for breakfasts…thanks for the dairy tips as I was unsure whether or not I could freeze them…I hate throwing away excess food when I can keep it in the freezer for a later use.

  8. Melissa Leany
    Melissa Leany says:

    Thanks for the ideas and inspiration! I was just bagging up frozen cookie dough today a little before seeing your video. I love having it on hand, and if I get tempted by sweets when I am at the store I am more likely to skip it knowing I have cookies ready to go. So it helps to save as well. Lee's and Winco have had their strawberries for $0.99 each right now, so I've also stocked up on strawberries in the freezer. What do you make with your frozen strawberries? Something I found that freezes okay is salsa. Although, I've only ever frozen in portion sizes to use for salsa chicken in the instant pot.

  9. Rosey Rivera
    Rosey Rivera says:

    Hi Kristin (I hope I spelled your name correctly, my apologies if not)
    I have always frozen my butter, my mom does it and taught me that trick a long time ago. I stock up whenever I see it on sale but mostly I buy it at Costco. Love you and your tips!

  10. Schevon Vaughn
    Schevon Vaughn says:

    Thank you so much for sharing these, Kristen. I love the 'cartoon inserts'. And the Doctor Strange one, too! We love Doctor Strange, Marvel. Have you seen the new movie? Looking forward to see more videos to come. Have a wonderful day.

  11. Danna Szczepanik
    Danna Szczepanik says:

    For spinach, I buy a plastic container of baby spinach and put it as is in the freezer, in the plastic container. It is great for smoothies. The spinach leaves don’t stick together at all.

  12. Amy Pletcher
    Amy Pletcher says:

    Love these ideas! I think I like cooking hamburger logs in the IP best. But I have been buying ground beef in large packages and separate then freeze uncooked or put 1lb package in freezer uncooked. I like the fact frozen cooked and then threw out and cook in something would be better. Rice idea is nice too! I have a dog that is sick right now and gets rice and shredded chicken for her food! Loves it!


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