Neglect in Childhood Taught You to FIT Yourself to Unacceptable People

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22 replies
  1. Cloud Mountain Dog
    Cloud Mountain Dog says:

    “Crapfit” and “hope is the dope” are sooo powerful. Thank you for covering this aspect of maladaptive adaptation many of us have lived. This is the story of most of my life, not just romantically, but with friends, colleagues, employees and even housemates. I woke up to all of this fairly recently, am finally free of the vast majority of trauma repeating all the trash patterns, but trust is so shot, I’m about ready to just lock the gate and disappear into total self-sufficiency for a time as I heal from it all. I’m open to people, but in a very guarded way, and no more crapfit ever again for any reason. My inner circle is golden and reserved for decent humans with the capacity for empathy and reciprocity.

  2. Tammy Letterman
    Tammy Letterman says:

    Anyone who believes in twin flames needs to “understand” twin flames. They’re NOT your person, soulmates are NOT your person. If you believe in this you believe their is a soul contract before birth or a splitting of soul before birth that is destined to reconnect. They aren’t your completion, at best they are your guardrails to redirect your path and so often it’s in the opposite direction you need to be going. Appreciation of people in your life for advancing your soul is what I have found to be the most rewarding in our soul path journey. I’m not an expert in anything except my own life’s journey and maybe I’m too darn independent but I’d never put the responsibility on someone as being “my other half”.

  3. jan
    jan says:

    Does anyone else NOT struggle with unhealthy/abusive romantic relationships but struggles instead with friendships?

    I very easily communicate my boundaries with my boyfriend, set the intentions for the relationship. I’m strict with my standards and never settle. Im very happy in my relationship and he’s very good to me, except I’d also never date a man that wasn’t, either.

    But friendships.. oh boy. I put up with endless bullshit. I’ve stayed friends with people for years and years who constantly disrespected me. Ghosting me, putting boyfriends above me, blatantly being rude to me in front of people, undermining me, trying to compete with me over men or worse, actual partners I was already with. And I just let it happen! Because I’m so afraid of letting go of friendships and of course there’s times where they are the sweetest ever. There’s a girl at my work who wants to be friends with me but she does the same thing. Will say the best things about me, write peer review things about me which benefits me, she will talk positively about me to other people, but then the next day she will completely berate me in front of groups of people, she will roll her eyes or walk away from me while I’m talking to her mid-conversation. She will undermine me and treat me like I’m stupid. And I KNOW it’s not worth even actually investing in a possibility of a friendship because I know it would cycle between hurtful and hopeful. It’s just so hard to resist it at the same time!!

  4. Melissa Lamancusa
    Melissa Lamancusa says:

    The person who wrote the letter about longing for community, I wonder if they would benefit from a great therapy option in NH called His Mansion Ministries. It is based in a community setting on a rural farm and it was an amazing experience for me in my life when I was healing from some issues as well as giving me direction and the ability to learn how to relate in a healthy way to others. Just thought I should suggest it, since it is a non-profit organization and isn't out to rip people off like some of the other options out there.

  5. The Common Sense Capricorn
    The Common Sense Capricorn says:

    Yep girl in the second video sounds just like me.. I’m 25 too, and also had to emotionally babysit both of my parents. I have had an extremely hard time growing up until I had a wake up call last year after reaching rock bottom. I’m in school to get my real estate license now that I’ve accepted I can do my passion projects on the side but I need a stable way to make money NOW. I used to believe in twin flames too, thank god I snapped out of that. I feel for this girl, we need to grow up and take care of ourselves, stop waiting to be rescued. We’re in it together.

  6. Ebby C
    Ebby C says:

    The first letter is such a good example that no matter how aware and intelligent you are, how many videos you've watched, how many books you've read, there's a huge gap between knowing the walk, and walking the walk.

    Fighting our instincts is no small thing.

  7. Lui Sch
    Lui Sch says:

    Shit I can so relate to the people stuck in crapfit relationships.. it's so hard to let go of that person BC what do you do without them..? Being in a shitty relationship can be better than being alone.. I'm about to break up/ preparing for it and have all that self doubt and yet new hurt and pain all the time and then that little voice (am I over interpreting? Am I in the wrong?). And then the idea of getting out is so frustrating and depressing, cause there is nobody out there waiting for me. I wonder why.. why go through all the pain if just alone in the end of the day.. -.- how can we feel good just living our life by ourselves, for ourselves, when the thing we crave most is that connection to other people.. ?

  8. lovely girl
    lovely girl says:

    I experienced this with my father and it much worse as I got older and started going to school he wanted me to live his regrets and it was really tough on me. I’m 30 now and just cut him off, well he did it for me. I’m glad you got to see this at such a young age. ❤️

  9. dubaiedge
    dubaiedge says:

    Her going to AA: I interpreted that as she doesn't have a problem with alcohol, but that she was just trying to meet new ppl. I guess I'm way off base 😂

  10. Generic Name
    Generic Name says:

    Honestly, I don't know why it never occurred to me that you might get hate mail for the work you do, even though it's very common knowledge that all content creators face this kind of nonsense. Kudos to you for taking all of that and holding your ground, for saying, "I do understand a great deal, and still I reject it." That takes a certain kind of strength that I'm still striving for in my day-to-day life.


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