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This video is an upload of the Live Stream from last night. Those videos are still locked by YouTube, as it appears they are unable …

16 replies
  1. Spectacular RB&B
    Spectacular RB&B says:

    Hi PTE! Although I am a PTE subscriber and notification bell is set to ALL…I have NOT been getting notifications of your past 3 uploads and lives.
    I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. I now catch up! Thank you for the posts!

  2. c minor
    c minor says:

    We have a navy reserve coworker who's been on a couple of ships (a welder), and it's 🤣 funny, because people are turned back when they reach the clipper and told to finish eating what they have on their plates first.

  3. kevin vogrin
    kevin vogrin says:

    Many of these narc chefs are blind to their own incompetence similar to a horrible singer thinking they are amazing (think of the narcissists on American's Got Talent auditions).

    I will share a recent story to a Greek restaurant I visited in Lancaster, Ohio. In my lifetime, there has not been a dish I have served back. This place was a boiling over point and time I spoke up. What I ordered was as homemade nor resembling looking like the dishes (all classic Greek staples). Sauce from can or dry mix, mushrooms in the sauce from the dry mix package, overly-over-processed ingredients formed into shapes which resemble the foods. The lowest quality possible is what they buy and use. I shared my disappointment and frustration with the server with the appetizer and main dish. She asked if there was something else they could get me. Not trusting anything else on the menu, I should have left then. However, I decided on hummus and spanakopita thinking how much can you mess them up. Let's just say very much so. Was the oddest color and the taste made me gag with low quality pita like bread from a bag.

    Long story short, the server was also the head cook (and maybe owner?) who did not appreciate hearing feedback. I spoke slowly, softly, and with space for her to share. None of this was appreciated. She became loud, aggressive, defensive, theatrical, typical narc reactions. I was dropped off the check and ignored during many attempts to wave them down and to speak about the experience. A one point, I got out of the booth and went up to them in person and said, hi, I'd like to talk for a minute. I waved three times and saw that you saw me. After you saw you me immediately left the room. I waited for a bit, then flagged down the other waitress if she could get you. I saw her speak to you and point to me. After this you again then walked away and left the room. I wasn't able to share earlier when you came to the table and dropped off the check. I had said excuse me and then yelled excuse miss two more times louder when you were walking away. Now that I have you, I'd like to talk about what happened tonight (basically exposing their behavior).

    Rage induced once again and then they called the police. Others eating in the restaurant were looking at us, hearing everything which was just said between us. I have learned from these experiences and audio recorded the interaction. The individual then threw a histrionic scene in front of the other guests about me in attempts to blame shift and evade any perceived feedback or criticism. I spoke up and stated that it is untrue. I recounted the facts and that how I was ignored, made fun of, mocked, threatened and raged at. The individual then police reporting me saying that they were in danger and I was acting dangerous. I said that I would wait for the police to arrive and speak with them and share what has taken place tonight.

    I waited for the police to arrive. I shared the food and shared what happened and some of the audio. The officer said to me while then glancing over at the head cook, sometimes we go places and after visiting we learn that it is a place we will never go back to. Unfortunately, with the experience of either service, goods, food, etc the bill needs to be paid. I am sorry. I gave him my card to pay the bill. He asked if I wanted to take any of it with me, looking over the full plates and tiny bites out of the 4 items ordered. I said no, leaned in close and said I wouldn't trust feeding it to my animals. It's bad, only time I've sent something back.. He nodded at me. Then I left never to return. This place was straight out of one of the failing restaurant shows with the unwell owners. Deeply unwell and delusional in their ability and unable to accept the reality.

  4. Maria
    Maria says:

    Wow, this guy is talking about morality? And respect, and boundaries? He doesn’t have vegan options on the menu? does he consider that the animals that are on his menu whose lives have been taken against their Will didn’t want to suffer and die? Has he been inside a slaughterhouse to see the immense suffering and the total obliteration of animals boudaries? Has he been to a factory farm full of dairy cows whose babies have been stolen from them and killed
    , cows grief profoundly when their babies are stolen from them and killed, so humans can then steal their milk, which is insane to think about that we as humans are consuming dairy products, cows milk is meant for a baby calf but we think it’s for us? This guy is in no position to even talk about morality. Moral relativism has done so much damage to this planet. Such a messed up world! It’s easy to cook vegan food and it’s easy to eat vegan, it’s extremely hard on Animals when we don’t. Please watch dominion documentary on YouTube to see the reality inside factory farming and animal agriculture. Boudaries is respecting where we end and another begins, and that should extend to our cousins in fur and feathers. having revereance for all sentient beings that can feel pain and have the ability to suffer is the least we can do for them and this planet.

  5. Root into Being
    Root into Being says:

    I support the overall idea of preserving his home culture and food traditions, it just seems like he's giving the requests of his patrons more weight than they actually have. That quote about "not meeting him where he's at when it comes to food" — respectfully, some people just have food sensitivities and it's not that deep! 😂 Whether dietary or sensory-related like sensory processing disorder, there are legitimate reasons other than being disrespectful of his culture.

    Seems like it would be more respectful to his patrons to just establish his boundary and say "no substitutions" than to get upset if someone asks for one.

  6. Candy Grandpre
    Candy Grandpre says:

    At the cafe in this library, I just had a Tourette's outburst on a narcissistic abuser who was the cashier. He decided to FORCE me to accept a ham & cheese sandwich with tomato. I told him that I wish you would've told me that you put tomatoes on it, because I don't eat tomatoes. He said, "That's how "I" fix it!" & he was a total you know what!

  7. ok777
    ok777 says:

    As someone who has been a Chef and cooked for some of the top restaurants in the world for the past 20 years, I can assure you that Chefs are some of the most narcissistic people around. I have met so many, it’s a constant no matter what country you go to. Exactly, they think what they cook is always flawless and there is something wrong with their patrons when a paying guests wants the slightest adjustment or substitution to a dish.


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