My WW Blue Dazzling Duo of Thanksgiving Leftovers Collab

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13 replies
  1. Tamson Darland
    Tamson Darland says:

    Love egg rolls. And especially ones can gobble up….ha ha ha.
    Love simple too. I'd probably add some oriental sauce with lower sodium in filling too. Great idea for leftovers.
    Love Tamson ♥️ 🙋😇

  2. Beth Powell
    Beth Powell says:

    I think you are having the same issue with sound that Joan is/was having…very low then gets louder. Seems like it happens every time you cut away and come back. I made little lemon pies out of egg roll wrappers and they tracked as 1 fsp. That is the brand I bought last time and they do show 2 points. Bummer!

  3. Jennie Dahlen
    Jennie Dahlen says:

    I remember you talking about these before, so I already made my cranberry dip and I have my wrappers ready, I'm making these tomorrow! I can't wait, they sound really delicious to me! Thanks for the idea Dee.


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