My Weigh in on WW and calorie counting this week!

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I shared with you a couple weeks ago that I was going to start seeing a health coach while on Weight Watchers to really dial in to …

33 replies
  1. Janet Rowland
    Janet Rowland says:

    Here's an example of why WW no longer works for me. Here are my macros for the day ( 1315 cal; 53 Protein; 126 Carbs; 50 Fat grams). It totals 40 freakin points of WW. I get 21 daily points, so today alone would use up all but 1 of my weekly points. Something is definitely messed up with the algorithms for this WW plan. It is so frustrating because the Green Plan worked – this one does not for me. WW should allow members to choose the plan that works instead of trying to pigeon hole everyone into plans that simply don't for many people.

  2. Healthy Living With Roe Dee
    Healthy Living With Roe Dee says:

    I left WW in Dec 21. I lost my weight and have returned to make lifetime. I paid alot to WW for several years. I want lifetime. I enjoy my group and coach so why not? I am turning 62 soon and if I can do it you can do it! It took me forever but that is fine. I did it! There is no miracle science behind WW. They keep changing to get new members. That is all it is. I am double tracking the old blue plan 23 points with my pp plan 24 points. It is so close everyday it's not even funny! There is no real difference. People are all screwed up bc they have a plan that works and boom they change it. It is not our fault!

  3. deborah b
    deborah b says:

    Woot yay you- I lost .06 this week too- so I am happy with it- so close to goal that I can smell it- so this is when I usually mess it up– but NOT this time!!!!!!

  4. Debi Lackner
    Debi Lackner says:

    Good video , I love my fair life also, I’m not a big fruit eater,but I love my veges , I’m going to try the fairlife with the fruit I put a little cold brew in my fairlife and make an ice coffee delish! Thank u again ❤️

  5. Debbie Ort
    Debbie Ort says:

    Enjoy your videos so much! I am 53 and lost 15 lbs during covid on WW. Lately been frustrated and switched to counting calories with Lose It. I feel better, in control, but not as deprived and hungry as on WW.

  6. Janet Rowland
    Janet Rowland says:

    Thanks Barrett! Your comments about WW always changing their program and throwing us for a loop is on target. I was doing great on the Green Plan, eating foods I like to eat and losing weight. I still haven't figured out how to make the new plan (not new anymore – 7 months in) work for me. I switched to counting macros and am double tracking sometime, but am getting more and more away from WW. When 1300 daily calories adds up to anywhere between 30 – 40 WW pts (I only get 21) it's just not worth me feeling like a failure. I'm considering dropping WW altogether in the near future. I don't need to be paying a company that makes me feel bad about myself. I hate to do it because I've been a member for many years now, but this new plan is just unworkable for me.

  7. cheri lightfoot
    cheri lightfoot says:

    I love and look forward to Wed! I am 66 and totally track with you on everything! People say it’s not the new WW program!!! I disagree but am trying to adjust! Moving forward! Keep it coming Barrett😍😍😍

  8. Maria Tsounakis
    Maria Tsounakis says:

    This is so helpful. I’m 57 and I am having a really hard time with this new program. I’ve done Weight Watchers multiple different times throughout my life ( lifetimer 3x’s) and this one for me is not working as is. I literally started gaining weight using only daily points. In one month I gained 8 pounds. So I started looking at the calories and decreasing the carbs and increasing my fiber and protein and I started to lose weight again so I’m using it basically for a tracker and just limiting certain things for myself. I did write to WW about my challenges with this plan. (I did WW way back 1979 when you had to fill out a folded tracker by hand and marked of each food group had to be tracked.😂) So I have had lots of experience With the different plans.I’m waiting to hear back from them. You are an inspiration in keeping me on track so thank you!

  9. Jennie Dahlen
    Jennie Dahlen says:

    Congratulations on your weight loss Barrett!🎉 All your hard work and dedication is paying off.
    I made your Carmel Chocolate Cake recipe recently, I've made it for the second time already, it's delicious!😋

  10. Lu G
    Lu G says:

    Yay! 👏🏻 Congrats on your awesome loss! I don't really do dairy (I use almond or cashew milk), but I might have to try Fairlife because I'm all about a good smoothie. 😬 Again, thanks for the info form your nutritionist! ❤️

  11. Kit Parker
    Kit Parker says:

    Thank you for posting these videos every Wednesday! I love that you include what your nutritionist says! I’m way too heavy for my size, and I am also double tracking — both calories (macros) and WW points. This is my first week to do this, so we’ll see. Thanks again!

  12. Joann R
    Joann R says:

    Love this video! & great motivation!! Since I left WW after MANY years & all the changes I have switched to calorie counting & the weight is starting to come off. I just have to up the exercises which I do with yoga stretching & lots of walking. By the way made your chocolate chip banana cake & it was scrumptious!!😊

  13. Barb Nuhfer
    Barb Nuhfer says:

    I had to laugh at the drive by snacking!! That’s so me!! I’m getting more honest with what I eat in my diaries (Fitbit and WW) but not 100% yet.
    I’m always eager to hear what you have to say!! Never disappointed!!😀

  14. Debbie Reynolds
    Debbie Reynolds says:

    Another great loss. What did I get from today’s “pep talk”, get up and walk around more, increase the water, try some protein shakes and write down every morsel. I sit at my sewing table or I cross stitch and end up too long in one spot and get stiff 👵, I will set my timer today and work on that!!! Thanks for the great advise and good luck this next week!!!!!! ✍️✍️✍️


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