My Unimpressive Weight Loss Transformation – One Month down, One Lifetime to Go!

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WeightLoss #Diet #Fitness Welcome to another episode of My Unimpressive Weight Loss Transformation. One month down, one lifetime to go. A month ago I …

47 replies
  1. Belinda Banchik
    Belinda Banchik says:

    We are all in this together! I’m just finished my new way of eating (basically your past months eating!) fourth month. Down 21.2 lbs. 🐢 loser but finally back to eating for pleasure but weighing and prepping. Love the giveaway,!

  2. Amanda Grumbach
    Amanda Grumbach says:

    So how did the Thai flavored chicken come out! I am quite curious 😋 Come on…give us some jibber jabber on that secret recipe!
    Excellent work on your distinctly impressive weight loss transformation. You rock!

  3. Kathleen Vaudo
    Kathleen Vaudo says:

    I started when you started and I’ve lost 3 lbs. I love the give away. I already own your cookbook but if I were to win I would gift it to someone I know who would really enjoy having it.

  4. EmilyHops * Monat Market Partner
    EmilyHops * Monat Market Partner says:

    There's SUCH a difference in your before and after image vids! Such a difference! I'm not doing well, i seem to hover round the 11 stone mark, it's annoying. I worked so hard in the garden this week too, digging and lugging amd everything…. v disappointing.

  5. MadChris2249
    MadChris2249 says:

    This is a cool vlog. Myself? I'm trying to bulk up and get muscle. It's large amounts of protein and low carbs, and low sugar. The rule is I can only have sugar with protein so it slows the body intake and hits the blood slower. Working well so far and have definetly gained muscle mass along with my intense workouts.

  6. Barb B
    Barb B says:

    Good for you for weighing out all the food. Good way to look at things, one you can do for the rest of your life.
    Are those Tupperware water bottles on your shelf? I have those too! Yes I am enjoying the video's.

  7. Sylwester
    Sylwester says:

    Not really that unimpressive. It's about half my results and I'm trying very hard to loose weight. I do like a good volume of food so when I can make it myself the portions become larger. That motivates me to make home made foods and choose fiber in my diet. I did notice most sandwiches were mostly white bread in your video 🙂

  8. Linda Girard
    Linda Girard says:

    I follow you for several months now if not year and in a way you opened my eyes about doing what suits me best. The only problem is that I am still searching my way. I seem to not be able to sustain Keto lifestyle. I need a little carbs in my diet so I decided to go low carb as much as I can. And as I have a bad bad sweet tooth, I will try to make keto desserts. So I hope to find my path soon 🙂

  9. Rosemary Butcher
    Rosemary Butcher says:

    Hi Sahil, I wish I could eat all those beautiful foods. I'm struggling to walk let alone strong exercise. Never mind, your recipes for keto are fantastic. I'd luvvvvvvvvvv to eat that chicken sandwich, maybe when I make the bread from Heavenly Fan I'll give it a go. Cheers Rosemary Perth Western Australia (70 yrs) great giveaways

  10. Rosie5 Carr
    Rosie5 Carr says:

    This is such a fabulous way to live you eat out when you want still loosing weight and enjoying life!!! I’ve been doing high protein moderate carbs and all Whole Food. I love the give away!!!
    Stay safe and happy

  11. Dan Cross
    Dan Cross says:

    Argh went back to keto but now i’m also OMAD
    10 pounds three weeks,
    i’m sure a lot it water but it works so well and i eat about 1700 calories in the one meal sometimes more.
    i’m 6’ and now am 177lbs and the scale says i’m 12.8 percent fat but i’m sure it’s not accurate,
    thanks for the inspiration !!
    Death Metal Rock On !!
    I also bike 3×45 min a week and then left weights 3 days usually the same days as biking so i get to take breaks

  12. FromHeart
    FromHeart says:

    Have been following you for over an year now. Your eyes glow when you talk about food. 😀 It just reflects how much you enjoy the work you do.

    I really like when you say that weight loss / gain is a life long journey and it is not a destination.

    By the way I am doing intermittent fasting. I like to eat food in large quantities. Portion control is just not for me I guess.

  13. Cat House On The Ridge
    Cat House On The Ridge says:

    Hahaha, that's barely a diet! More like consistent and conscious choices you make…and it's working great! Well done, and please continue this series as it's really motivating. Greetings from Ireland!


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