My TASTY chicken pot pies bring new life into leftover chicken! Chicken pie recipe

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What is a chicken pot pie? No, it’s a not a pie containing ‘baked’ chicken it’s actually a very nice pie made using either rotisserie chicken, or leftovers if you have …

43 replies
  1. karma caramel
    karma caramel says:

    Going through a really tough and sad time right now and his videos are sort of comforting u see him at home hes in a cozy home hes cooking comforting meals makes u think about mom or grandma in the kitchen cooking as a kid

  2. SV Lagonda
    SV Lagonda says:

    0:42 No offence intended as I do like the stuff you cook but alot of it is VERY high in carbs/sugars, which have a high GI, get converted to sugar easily, then stored as fat etc. Alot of it is comfort food eg. pies, potatoes, pizzas etc which is tasty but its very easy to eat this sort of stuff in excess. Great if you're prehistoric caveman in a cave shielding from dinosaurs, but you need different options in the 21st century as "food" is rarely in short supply and we're much more sedentary!

  3. Lesh1170
    Lesh1170 says:

    I think everybody's confidence has took a knock,Britain at the moment is like a boat with leak's, springing up and down,I know it won't sink because of who we are,but we've just got to take it slow, and we've got this.

  4. elton wild
    elton wild says:

    Dude, you are a motivation. Washing dishes, long editing hours, shot the video after working a day job. A serious motivation to me. Keep going and keep having fun. Just try to get some sleep and be healthy. Maybe go for a walk from time to time. Cheers

  5. elton wild
    elton wild says:

    Hi Adam, in the other day I've made your chicken lime recipe. Was really nice and different. Maybe I'll try this pie someday. I never ate this type of cuisine and pies.

  6. Chris Blunt
    Chris Blunt says:

    Mouth watering again! Another super video, really enjoy these Adam. I make similar pies at Christmas using leftover turkey and gammon, good idea to batch cook and freeze especially if you live alone or with a vegetarian 😉 If you're making a pie with a full crust what kind of pastry would you use on the bottom? I'd love to come up with a decent pukka pie replica.

  7. M Francis
    M Francis says:

    Another Excellent Vid Adam, good stuff keep them coming. My kitchen looks similar in size to yours and it gets very hot in there too. So I invested in a little 10" fan from Argos, and that really worked for me, couldn't do without it now.

  8. mnaughty n/a
    mnaughty n/a says:

    Well done mate, keep up the good work. In Western Australia we are more or less COVID 19 free. We got just 6 active cases in hotel quarantine, all of them returned overseas travelers.
    I'm enjoying every little bit of your uploads. Stay safe mate

  9. etherdog
    etherdog says:

    Oy, Adam! I saw what you did with the zipper graphic on the spoon–clever lad! I LURV pot pie and your summer rationale for omitting the usually required bottom crust makes sense. Allow me to offer a couple of tips: put a damp kitchen towel under your cutting board to keep it from sliding around; and learn the pinch grip on your knife rather than the handshake grip you are using. You will have better control of the knife, you will need less effort to cut, and reduce the chance on injuring yourself. Practice by cutting onions for French Onion Soup and also use the claw grip whilst holding the veg.

    As far as sleep goes, stop looking Screen flicker induces a hypnosis like brain wave state (which explains why you can find yourself in an internet rabbit hole for hours on end with no apparent lapse in perceived time.) Finally, yoga is a GREAT idea for your physical, mental, and social health.

  10. Ant
    Ant says:

    I'm watching this at 1.34am, don't talk to me about sleep lol, I get about 4 hours, always tired…..

    Anyhow, love chicken pie , pot pie? That's yanky talk!…. great recipe, can almost smell it from here.

  11. Maxine T
    Maxine T says:

    Doing okay in Ontario spending time gardening getting all the vegetables that are ready. Enjoy being out watching the birds and squirrels. Time seems to be going quickly . The S (snow) word is coming but will enjoy the nice weather for now. Praying that they will find a vaccine for this virus. Wishing you and your family good health and stay safe. Love your videos and sense of humour, nothing like British humour.

  12. Tina Pye
    Tina Pye says:

    Hi Adam 👋👋 Apparently, to help you get a good night sleep you need to free your mind of any worries or annoyances. If something is on your mind, write it down to free your mind. If something annoys you, you need to train your mind to not be annoyed. If not sleeping is annoying you, you need to dismiss this annoyance. You need to think and say to yourself that you are lucky … Lucky about anything … Lucky you have a nice bed; lucky you have nice PJ's; lucky you have (anything). Even if you are fedup with things, you need to change your thoughts to happy thoughts (might be hard to do but it needs to be done).
    This is what partly causes insomnia: Worry, artificial light (TV, screens, iPads, phone screens, etc.), Caffeine, alcohol, meat, late nights, annoyance …
    This is what helps you sleep better: Going to sleep early (did you know your Power Hours for sleep are between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. These are the hours you should be asleep, not up watching TV, or playing internet games, etc.); Laughter, sunshine, exercise, happy thoughts, sleep in the dark (no chargers on, TV off at the mains, no technology in your bedroom); fasting (eat early and small meal) and plenty of water. Go to sleep early, think positive happy thoughts, ignore stress, worries and annoyance.
    It all sounds gruelling, doesn't it, but if you feel unhappy because you have put a little cuddly on over lockdown, this is going to keep you thinking about it if you don't so something about it. If washing up annoys you, pretend you are doing it for your closest friend after a great meal. Pretend you are somewhere else …. When I peel potatoes (my pet hate and which I rarely do, I pretend I am peeling exotic fruit in an exotic country, lol).
    You need to change your mindset, as as you say, you have too much on your mind.
    Don't let anything get you down. The more you think or worry about something, the more time you are wasting thinking about it. This is annoying you and worry and annoyance are the two main factors to insomnia …
    And before I start to annoy you, I will shut up, lol

    I'm still waiting for flights out of Mauritius. Covid and lockdown has stopped my 2yr work and travel plans and with only 3 months left of my 2 yrs, I just want to get home, as the last of my planned countries (S Africa, Argentina and Peru) are rife with virus statistics and there is no where where I can go. Apart from just waiting with not much to do, as this is not my home, all is good. I am well and safe and most of all, I'm loving your videos 😉😉💞
    Your Chicken Pie looked delicious. 💞 I love the tips you throw in: salt in the egg wash … Cool the filling before putting the pastry top on (makes sense now) and you always make me laugh with your witties: time, thyme.

    (So, don't eat too much; go for long walks; think happy thoughts; ignore worries and annoyances; go to sleep early; no electronics … Then hopefully you will get some sleep. It's your mind that is annoying you … Ignore it all 😉 You can only do something, in the 'now', thinking about things is a waste of time xx Tell yourself this xx
    (I talk too much. That was far too long a message 🙄🙄😉💞) … And we all care for you and love you too. 💞

  13. the captain
    the captain says:

    those pies look amazing adam . why not invest in a dishwasher if you hate doing the washing up i used to be the same but the dishwasher takes care of that now . love the chanel buddy keep up the great work.

  14. Muthoni Kimani
    Muthoni Kimani says:

    Just got to the part of the video where you asked as to comment- personally I'm not doing so well with my mental health but trying to do my best. Thanks for the lovely video! ♥️ I'm looking forward to trying this recipe!

  15. Muthoni Kimani
    Muthoni Kimani says:

    I'm not a sleep expert but my holy grail trio as a chronic insomniac is melatonin, journaling and the podcast Sleep With Me. The journaling helps withy anxiety because I can write down my worries so they won't bother me at bedtime, the podcast helps me fall asleep faster and the melatonin helps me get at least 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep


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