my plant care routine 🪴 healthy houseplant tips & basics

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Not gonna lie – after moving into a new home, my plants have STRUGGLED to adjust to the amount of light in my new place. I’ve also been a neglectful plant …

23 replies
  1. Twidi
    Twidi says:

    most important thing of taking care of plants is to really get to know them! i just left a comment on somebody else's video saying that when i think of watering my plants it can make me anxious, cause i really have a lot. But when i do it it's makes me feel so relaxed. And also i think it makes your interior look way more nicer, so why not right hehe.. i think i still need to find better places for some plants in my house, but this is also a part of getting to know the plants better 🙂

  2. Char Villena
    Char Villena says:

    Love your plant collection, Audrie! 😍 They’re so healthy!

    I don’t know if you’ve heard of LECA or semi-hydroponics, but I’ve converted a handful of my plants from soil to LECA last year, and a lot of your propagated cuttings would do well in it if you ever decide to try. It took a little getting used to the system, but I love it because I saw a reduction in pests! I also find that Pothos, Philodendrons, and Monsteras love LECA.

  3. Moss Chang
    Moss Chang says:

    I remember seeing your videos quite a while ago. Inspired by your plant videos, I wanted my room to look like yours. Today, I can say with confidence that my room looks like the lush forest I wanted it to look like. Thank you for getting me into my passion 🙂


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