My NEW Macro Goals │Spilling The Beans – Let Me Explain My Secret!

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36 replies
  1. Furry Kids Mom X’s 4
    Furry Kids Mom X’s 4 says:

    Thanks for all you do! I wanted to share that I LOVE the Equip products. I have read ingredients my entire life due to allergies and I’m so thankful to
    have found shakes that are delicious with only 3 ingredients. The other thing so incredible about the Equip company during these times is their integrity in the way they do business… did I mention I LOVE this company lol:-) Thanks for leading me to them.

  2. Karlies Mama
    Karlies Mama says:

    I too was getting way to crazy with weighing out 30g of diced tomato! Like seriously, is an extra gram of tomato what got me to 250lbs?? I've been doing some reverse dieting for the last two weeks along with taking my averages for the weeks: weight/macros … really trying to learn how MY body is working. I tell you what, if you are a person who does daily weigh-ins (like I do) jotting down your daily number and then after 7 days taking the average it is so much more mentally freeing to see that over the week you are doing ok. That was anxiety I learned from back in my Weight Watcher days – I would not eat anything after 6pm Friday night, nothing high in sodium, wear the exact same shorts & tank top (even in middle of winter) for Sat morning weigh ins. I wish back then I would have just reviewed the average of the WHOLE week. Sadly, if I would even gain .2 lbs I would then binge the entire weekend. This lifestyle has allowed me to get a hold on some of my food/carb addictions. I'm starting to add some total carbs to my macros and increasing my protein to be closer to my actual weight and I'm feeling better with food choices. Colin DeWaay has an awesome point that food doesn't have any morals – not good or bad, sadly it's how us humans treat the food that make it that way. I do agree 100% that my body is no longer happy with processed foods, sugar or funky gluten items – at least now I know that those foods just aren't worth the health or weight issues they lead to. Blessings sweet Jess!

  3. Anele Nunwana
    Anele Nunwana says:

    This kind of eating is complicated, you kind of need to be a scientist. I just stick to eating none starchy veggies of not more than 20grams and choose fatty sources of protein and drink black coffee.

  4. MsKingOfAnything
    MsKingOfAnything says:

    I really enjoyed this video. I stopped watching for a bit because I also want a healthy relationship with food and for me that means having vegetables and some beans. So for me this type of eating makes me want to watch your videos.

  5. Charlene Turgeon
    Charlene Turgeon says:

    Oh darn…. I loved you as a Brunette! Great cut though! Pamper yourself day is important too! I could not give up veggies, I just eat with fats and proteins. Carbs from veggies are different than from grains. Glad you are back at the gym as long as you are being truly safe. COVID 19 is no joke. 1/2 a million Americans have lost their lives. Personally my man suffered when he was exposed when he met with his attorney. You just don't know who is or isn't infected. I'm curious after a year what made you change your mind about not going to the gym? We are still very much in a Pandemic. Sorry to go on. I just don't want to see you or anyone else to suffer!

  6. ManFood. Net
    ManFood. Net says:

    Carnivore guy here. One reason it works so well for me is because it's so stinking easy. No calorie counting or anything else. Loved this video and certainly made me think about a few things.

  7. Marti Jo Barrett
    Marti Jo Barrett says:

    I know you know your body can run on fat (including marathons). 🙂👍

    That being said, your body will let you know how sweet potatoes, beans, and quinoa make you look and feel.

    Good luck!💃🏻💞

  8. Shaina Reynolds
    Shaina Reynolds says:

    I was stuck around mid 160s for a year, revised some things, increased carbs to 30 ish, kept my fat way down, ate more veggies and protein and dropped another 10 pounds. Went back to “keto” and a few lbs crept back on…think my body likes a few more carbs (cabbage, mushrooms, broccoli, etc) and less fat so it can pull from my own fat stores.

  9. Nancy Park
    Nancy Park says:

    Hearing you say fear of certain foods was a lightbulb moment for me. I am down 65 pounds and am stuck. I eat a fair amount of protein but will go back to counting. I love salads and have missed them..I am going to try this. Thanks so much Jess

  10. DCB14u2do
    DCB14u2do says:

    Stress increases the cortisol which can cause weight gain. So adjusting your intakes is smart! Your needs are different at 300 than they are at 180 or even 225. You are a really good researcher for the populace. 💪🏼

  11. Lety Lety
    Lety Lety says:

    THIS!!! I have been feeling the same way. The restrictions led to binging and being scared of a tomato and other healthy foods. You're absolutely correct in saying we did not get fat eating too many vegetables!

  12. Annabella G.
    Annabella G. says:

    I’m so happy to watch this video! Once again here’s a reason why I always watch your videos. I found you last year in June. You have been so inspiring. In doing me I had a higher carb count than most because of veggies. I loved having the odd sweet potato with butter. Because I took out sugar from my diet A sweet potato tastes like a dessert!. I feel exactly as what you’re saying. Having veggies should not be off limits. I just eliminated anything processed. I still managed to lose 20 lbs in 4 months. During the fall/winter up here in Canada it’s been harder for me to get out for my long walks so I actually stopped tracking my macros and have still managed to keep within 3-4 lbs of what I lost. I was okay with that because I still kept eating pretty much the same, I just didn’t track. I purposely did this so my body would adjust to the weight I lost last year. Now that weather is warming up I’m looking forward to starting back with my losing phase and tracking my macros and increasing my activity. My goal is to lose about 15 pounds but honestly will be happy with 10. I’m so thankful for your transparency and for the encouragement that you and your mom always give! Keep up the great work! 😍🥰😘

  13. noemi0674
    noemi0674 says:

    I plan on doing the exact thing you're doing when I get down to my goal weight for maintenance. But my body doesn't like like carbs and consuming less than 20g is the only thing that works for me for weight loss. So, I'm going to continue doing me, then transition to adding more healthy carbs. Looking forward to seeing how things go for you. Love watching your videos. Thank you!

  14. Kathleen Pira
    Kathleen Pira says:

    Jess ~I agree with you adding the flexibility and variety. Just wondering though… are you checking with your Keto-Mojo to see if you're staying in Ketosis? I think you're doing the right thing!

  15. Dana Davis
    Dana Davis says:

    Are you staying in ketosis? Do you know the max number of carbs you can eat and remain in ketosis? Given your activity level, maybe it is way more than you thought.

  16. Kathy Noggles
    Kathy Noggles says:

    Could you make a list of your collagen, Protein Brands etc., I watch this on my I-pad and I can not scroll down to get that info for some reason, tech challenged! Also would like to know what Macros, etc. that your Mom does as she stays her same weight . I need to lose another 20-25 pounds and then need to find out how to maintain! Sure would appreciate your help! Thanks Kathy

  17. Christine El-Dairy
    Christine El-Dairy says:

    I think you’re setting a good example for women with the whole foods. Most of us need that stuff for our bodies to make progesterone at the latter end of our cycle and protect from anxiety! So if you know what’s good for u you will need to loosen the reins on that at some point !

  18. nitrowife
    nitrowife says:

    Loved this video and screw people who give you a hard time. This is YOUR journey no one elses. Thanks for sharing! I hit my goal weight 2 mths ago (lost 70lbs) and I have been doing pretty much same thing you just shared and its been working out just fine I may go up 1-2 lbs but then it comes back off. I'm happy with where I am. You are doing great and I will continue to follow,watch and support you no matter where your journey takes you!

  19. Christy O'Hara
    Christy O'Hara says:

    You do you Jess. We all absolutely have to find a lifestyle that we can work with and becoming terrified of eating healthy things is not healthy. I love to watch your channel and I learn so much from the different things you try so thank you so much for all you do.

  20. Sunshyne Cleveland
    Sunshyne Cleveland says:

    You’ll be amazed that you are still in Ketosis even though you’ve upped your carbs! I’m proud of you for realizing and listening to what your body is telling you! I do the same thing as you are doing now and I’m STILL in Ketosis. I just don’t go over 16 total carbs/meal (that’s the number my body is happy at): If I do, then I fast longer in the morning. Love you are gaining the healthy outlook on veggies! Keep up the wonderful growth and transformation! We love you!


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