MY LIFE HACKS TIP #3 VEGAN | Connie's RAWsome kitchen

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19 replies
  1. ikreate 4u
    ikreate 4u says:

    Love it! I do the same with very vegetable that I can from lettuce, scallion, garlic and even celery. Lol It truly does a great supplement to reduce store runs and in between growing seasons.

  2. Brenda Hulett
    Brenda Hulett says:

    Hi Connie. LOVE yr channel! …. Do u have any menopause symptoms ? I'm 58, eat very healthy vegan, exercise 6 days a week, with weights too, get sunshine & grounding most days. Do u eat gluten free ? I'm a bit confused, am still getting hot flushes & night sweats & irritability & low moods ? 😯 …. Am wondering if it can be gluten as i'm back to having a little v good sourdough bread and some pasta that has wheat ?? Tks, take care, hugs 💟😘

  3. linzertube
    linzertube says:

    I LOVE hacks like this! Thanks, Connie! I have been doing this with green onions and romaine cores. I have some bok choy sprouting, and I’m trying a red onion. Free food is great!👏🤩

  4. Lizbet PCB
    Lizbet PCB says:

    Fantastic, Connie! I just used up a green cabbage for soup a few days ago. I won’t be throwing the cores out to groundhogs, ‘possums, deer, etc, anymore. Don’t worry, I’ll continue to feed them very well 💕


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