My January Whole30 Experience

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This past January I completed my 7th Whole30. I was going to reintroduce dairy in February and share advice along the way.

10 replies
  1. Helen Kregear
    Helen Kregear says:

    Hey Rachel… You have inspired me to try bodybuilding again after 28 yrs. Do you have any suggestions for me with regards to not causing a Fibromyalgia flair? Thanks for making yourself available and sharing your life.

  2. Jacque Lueken
    Jacque Lueken says:

    Hello! I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you so much for posting your Whole30 videos. I watched videos from your journey while I went through my second round of Whole30 last October and was inspired to subscribe to your channel and have since decided to make my own daily Whole30 vlogs during my third round (I'm on Day 27 today!). Hope things are going well for you so far with the new year!

  3. LilyBirdLifts
    LilyBirdLifts says:

    first point- your make-up is stunning 🙂 Thank you for being so transparent! It's hard to change your diet but adding more whole foods is so important for health & wellness. I'm definitely a fan of a more balanced approach that isn't restrictive but it's never a bad idea to try something new!

  4. Whitney G
    Whitney G says:

    Great video! Your lipstick is gorgeous on you!! I would love to see videos such as quick and easy healthy lunch ideas for packing for work (not necessarily whole30). i also love your recipe videos! you can continue those for gluten/soy/dairy free meal ideas


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