My hubby divorced me for my sister, 4 years later, he looked at the little boy behind me, he shocked

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20 replies
  1. @larrainehowell5679
    @larrainehowell5679 says:

    I love Simon for her, so glad they got their happy ending, pity the child wasn't Simon's but no matter as they can have more and form a bigger and happier family together and Simon adores the child no matter what because that child is his girls child. David the scumbag got exactly what he deserved!

  2. @BusArch42
    @BusArch42 says:

    This is why divorce takes a while in the USA. It allows time to see if there are unborn children involved. I cannot grasp the concept of a divorce taking one day like in Japan

  3. @lueezannupahnui
    @lueezannupahnui says:

    Why was Simon in the hospital? And why did he say he'd always be there for her & the baby? I don't like him he's annoying after not even romantic. Not a love story I enjoy he's just using her I don't like men her use women for their own selfish gain.
    And she gives him wifey treatment but they're not even married 🙄😒

  4. @IfAllElseFails_Ctrl_Alt_Del
    @IfAllElseFails_Ctrl_Alt_Del says:

    ❤️This was such a sweet story, & the scum got what he deserved. I hate hypocrites, & David was is the king of hypocrisy. It was so ridiculous & disgusting of him to act like that, AFTER he hurt her & lost her. When it was on HIS terms, he was a cold statue of indifference. But when she flipped things on him, all of a sudden it was "I always loved you"🤮

    Simon on the other hand is freaking adorable & lovable. He loved a child that wasn't his, unconditionally & searched for "his girl" in TWO different worlds☺️❤️


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