My Favorite Corned Beef, Potatoes, & Cabbage Made In The Slow Cooker And The Dutch Oven

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Do I always grill or smoke things? No. Sometimes my favorite preparation of a meal involves other methods as I show here, making my favorite Corned Beef, …

24 replies
  1. defthammer
    defthammer says:

    Ry, you and I made my family very happy today. I followed your instructions and the meal was incredible. My wife and I joke about your "time to taste" moments. We joke no longer. The carrots, potatoes and cabbage were incredible…so good in fact, that I almost forgot to try the beef…which was incredible. I had bought an extra bottle of Gulden's mustard because when I was growing up, this was the only way to add any flavor to the meal. Not this time. Sorry mom and grandma, but advantage Lou. I'm actually looking forward to work tomorrow because this is what I'm having for lunch.

  2. KJR Channel
    KJR Channel says:

    I have had variations of this. Some had vinegar in an attempt to retain red cabbage color. Some had the poor mans Corned beef like: ham, bacon, or even Spam. Most of this was from growing up around German and Irish people. I have also had a southern style collard greens with bacon variant.

  3. Tom Westland
    Tom Westland says:

    Hello Ry very good video i would like to try that one . quick Q if thats ok i have looked for a video with no luck i am looking to buy a offset smoker which brand or model is beter for
    me or if you recormend a make would be grear ,,, i wouder RY if you would make video on difrent makes and models to buy hope ,make a video on this becos for one i would trust your word more than most people thanks RY

  4. Paul
    Paul says:

    Born in N Ireland, this is a perfect Irish dinner ,well done cabbage like this is amazing,I’ve done it before,your right it’s the star 🍀🇨🇦♥️

  5. Tom Harper
    Tom Harper says:

    Okay… I’m convinced. Picked up a point corned beef today and plan on following most of your recipe except stout beer instead of water and purple cabbage instead of kale. (I really dislike the flavour of kale😣🤪). Cooking it on St Patrick’s Day and I’ll let you know how it turns out.
    Tom in Canada

  6. Bud Woodman
    Bud Woodman says:

    Ummmm, love my Corn Beef with a little bit of not too spicy deli mustard and some Rye Bread (Russian or Jewish). I am also going to try your cabbage/kale dish as well. It sure looks good.

  7. chip butta
    chip butta says:

    Great video and recipe I'm definitely going to give it a try I just have a fast question you mentioned that you are cooking. It fat side down is there a difference in taste by cooking fat side down or does it affect the tenderness of the meat

  8. Pickles BBQ
    Pickles BBQ says:

    It’s a classic meal, with just enough of a twist on the cabbage and kale mix. That just tastes like home where I had it once a year at st Patrick’s day. That was a good one, hope you have a great st pats day Ry!


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