My babies secret diet || Prince Alarik || Sanjjanaa Galrani || #shorts

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37 replies
  1. Syeda sabira
    Syeda sabira says:

    hello mam, it's okay to be busy..I request please hand over baby to care taker so that take time to feed baby slowly he is just 5.5 month. please it's so dangerous you may not aware. this video is really scaring. whatever you may be busy schedule never feed this way.

  2. Nivedita Ramanujam
    Nivedita Ramanujam says:

    Even if you are working, you can pump breast milk, refrigerate and give the baby. Promoting milk formulas this way is unethical. You do not need to give any formula at all even if you are working. The breast pump apparatus can be carried anywhere. Prioritize the baby not the formulaBaby should be in your arms that helps with vital infant bonding. Lastly must be tilted up in arms to avoid choking and regurgitation. Baby deserves better.

  3. Primary Education Tutorial by Amita
    Primary Education Tutorial by Amita says:

    Its very obvious that u r not attached with ur baby and ur baby is not at all sucking the milk..Plz being a mother dont do this type of publicity stunt with the kid.
    U r responding each and every comment..the time u r giving in social media should deserve to the poor soul.
    I am a mother so I can realise that ur sons nany know much better than u.
    And yes I am working too

  4. Simran Alam
    Simran Alam says:

    So many mistakes in this video.
    Never feed baby in lying position
    Nevere feed the when they r sleeping.
    Nevwr wear so muhc of jewellery u moght end up hurtin scratching baby.

  5. Ranjini Devi
    Ranjini Devi says:

    Those who came to see the comments. First advice never listen or follow any ideas or advice given by such influencers or celebrities or whom so ever it in reels and YouTube. Reason they are all half baked and mostly gvng dangerous advices. Pls take advice from your elders at home or doctors advice especially when it comes to baby. Thumb rule whenever u feed baby ensure to hold him/her in ur hands and feed. Also feeding while sleeping is so so so dangerous being a mom for 2 kids I am damn sure this is not at all good for baby.

  6. Shalini Rajath
    Shalini Rajath says:

    Shouldn’t feed banana till one year.. it can increase the chances of baby catching cold, and please no carrot juice instead feed vegetable purée ! Also stop feeding him while he is asleep!! If you have no knowledge please consult doctor! You are an actress ! Not a doctor!

  7. BabyDoGardens
    BabyDoGardens says:

    You do not know that you shouldn't feed baby while they're asleep?? Risk of choking, you can wake him up first. Please educate yourself before spreading this kinda videos with views.


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