My 2022 goals & Planning! Paying off debt, Eating Healthy & Saving money. Goal Setting for 2022.

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Welcome to my 2022 goals! I’ll be chatting with you about my financial, health and life goals for 2022, and goal setting for 2022 in …

44 replies
  1. Mark Ward
    Mark Ward says:

    This is truly encouraging and so deeply motivational. My own goals are to pay off my two cards, get my bank balance into a much healthier position and to save – 22' is a no spend year because at the end of this year i want to treat myself to musical gear that i've wanted for so long. This is my dream and hopes and now through watching many of the videos that you've put out, Claire, that this is finally do-able.

  2. Marie Damon
    Marie Damon says:

    Hi claire we had a quite xmas more relaxing .did the meats xmas eve the rest xmas day took the pressure new years goals are save a bit keeo cupboards well stocked anf pampee my self more reg .have a happy new year x

  3. The Atmosphere of Home
    The Atmosphere of Home says:

    Great video Claire! I have found that having homemaking routines work best for me. For example: Monday laundry, Tuesday sheets, towels, bathrooms, Wednesday dust and vacuum upstairs, Thursday vacuum and mop hard floors, Friday fun day or clean anything I missed. A robot vacuum is run every night to keep on top of the pet hair. I can''t wait to see how your year goes!

  4. Amanda Youngs
    Amanda Youngs says:

    I also tried FLYLady and TOMM. I like bits of both of them but have devised my own routine. Now I just need to get it done reliably. We're working on the same kinds of goals for 2022! I have savings goals and I hope the No Spend/Low Buy year I'm having in 2022 will help me with that – the Pantry Challenge I'm having to start the year off might do as well. Food waste is an area I hope to tackle this year, especially, because it's just throwing away money. Thanks, Claire, this was an interesting video with your 2022 goals. It's good to see you raring to go on them!

  5. Frugalfaffing
    Frugalfaffing says:

    Great video & goals Claire. Totally with you re the healthy eating for energy, no fad diets just good food & lower sugar. Along with Iron rich foods B vitamin foods also give you energy. Good financial goals too. Can't wait for your 2022 videos.

  6. Wendy Taylor
    Wendy Taylor says:

    Great goals – hope you update us on them all not just the financial ones. You’ve inspired me with the meditation goal. I also want to get into the habit and think 5 mins in morning & longer in the evening would work for me too.

  7. Maggy Trafford
    Maggy Trafford says:

    Hi Claire, I am with you 100%. I want to eat healthy food next year as I have very low energy and just feel so tired. I have 2 dogs and they both shed a lot of hair which means vacuuming more often this all comes down to my health so next year I have to focus on what I eat and also paperwork. I always leave it till it piles up a lot I don’t do it often enough so next year I will be filing them straight away it’s so easy but I always do it the hard way. Most of all prepare myself for the next day I never use my time wisely that has always been my down fall I want to write things down with what I am doing especially meals I have learnt that from you Claire. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family 🇦🇺🇦🇺🦘💕❤️

  8. Carolyn Wood
    Carolyn Wood says:

    Hi Claire. My goals are also health and financial. My Achilles heel is also my food budget. Something always throws me off course, even though I meal plan! Essentially I think my grocery budget is unrealistic which is why I struggle, so I am going to review that. Regarding housework – I have a strict routine and do OK but I hate putting on new bedding as the duvets and I have a love v hate relationship. To get through this I set a timer on my phone – usually 10 mins. I press start and get going. By about the 9 minute mark the job is done. You could try the same for putting away the washing etc.

  9. Kornelia
    Kornelia says:

    Hello Claire and thank you yet again for that video. Claire, you are such a lovely person and personality, your videos were really inspiring to me.
    You have some great realistic New year’s goals which I think most of us can relate to.
    I keep my fingers crossed for you for realization of these goals and I am waiting for more videos.
    Happy New Year!

  10. Christine Haydon
    Christine Haydon says:

    I have a separate bank account for my cat's vets bills. I put a lump sum into it last year and now I top it up with £50 every month.

    I started this bank account when we had our last cat. As he got older his pet insurance got so expensive and I found it made more sense to save my money for his vets bills rather than give it to the insurance company. The deciding factor to do this was when I totted up what I had spent during the previous year… £400+ on insurance and over £500 in vets bills, none of which was eligible to claim back. Added to that the fact that they wanted to hike up his premiums because of his age and I just thought it made more sense to save my money for him.

    Vets bills are so expensive, and it was difficult keeping on top of them with our elderly boy as he had so many things wrong with him. But I feel I have a good starting point with our new girl as I've managed to deposit a good lump sum and she is young and healthy. Hopefully that will remain the case for a long time to come 🙏🏻

    I look forward to being inspired by your vlogs throughout 2022. Very best wishes for the New Year 🤗🎉

  11. The Fighting Felter
    The Fighting Felter says:

    I have terminal cancer and I was given 12-18 months to live in 2019 so doing well 💪🏼 , my 2022 goal is to make it to Christmas 2022 , it’ll be my 50th birthday in December.. my goal ….. get there xx

  12. Leanne C
    Leanne C says:

    I’m really looking forward to your grocery hauls and shop your pantry meal plans. I love seeing the differences in groceries and costs between England and Canada. I need to stay away from Costco in 2022! I spend sooo much more money when I shop there. I buy things that I wouldn’t normally buy at a regular grocery store.

  13. Deborah Beynon
    Deborah Beynon says:

    Thank you so much. Happy New Year from Wales. Your home looks lovely and your food looks amazing. I am so proud you getting your debts payed down or Almost payed off. That's wonderful. Enjoy 2022. Will enjoy your channel next year also.

  14. Simone DUTCH
    Simone DUTCH says:

    Hi Claire, very sound and realistic goal setting you have set yourself for 2022. I'm very much looking forward to coming along on your journey as you are very inspiriting to me too. I'm on a very similar journey so looking forward to joining you!!. Warmest thank you Claire as I love your channel.

  15. Lyn Noorman
    Lyn Noorman says:

    Hey Claire, thank you for taking a realistic view of goals for 2022. You did soooo well last year! Your videos were inspiring! I managed to pay off debt and increase savings last year – one important aspect of which was to plan in treats for myself!

  16. Michele Harold
    Michele Harold says:

    I want to figure out how to stick to a food budget. My 80yr old mother lives with me and eats whatever she wants. (If I make it to 80, I will too!) But I have recently been diagnosed with several food intolerances that have changed my diet considerably. Now, I basically have to make two weekly menus, including all 3 meals and snacks. What’s a realistic budget? I don’t know. I’m researching, but any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

  17. Barbara Hughes
    Barbara Hughes says:

    Great 2022 goals.I’m trying to do some of these too butI don’t think I can focus on as much as you because I’m not as organised.Congratulations on your debt journey,it’s so exciting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  18. JennyG
    JennyG says:

    Great video . I’m hoping to start my own you tube Chanel in the new year as one of my goals . Also to try and start investing I don’t have a clue where to start! Hope you have a wonderful 2020 x

  19. Abbey
    Abbey says:

    Love these goals Claire 🙂 I have a friend who was advised by her GP to increase her vitamin rich veggies also as it helps with the absorption of iron so this might help you too. Love your channel, great to see a UK frugal and food based channel. Happy New year!

  20. Susie Swaney
    Susie Swaney says:

    Hi Claire. I want to say thank you for your videos. They are always so encouraging. I have very similar goals.
    1. Really focus on paying down debt.
    2. Move more and eat healthier.
    3. Read, pray, and meditate at least 10 minutes a day ( want to work up to 45 minutes a day by the end of the year.

    Again thank you. You really inspire me to keep working at my goals.

  21. Sue Green
    Sue Green says:

    Hi Claire – you have been so inspiring over the last 12 months – am looking forward to lots more videos from you. You help to keep me on track with meal planning and some great meal ideas. Thank you.

  22. Cheryl Verber
    Cheryl Verber says:

    Hi I've only discovered your videos a few months ago and just want to say thank you for being relatable and making interesting and honest videos. I've made a few of your meals and have been using my pressure cooker more and using up leftovers, im looking forward to seeing what you get up to in 2022, happy new thrifty and frugal new year

  23. Annette Prüfer
    Annette Prüfer says:

    Great vlog! My goals for health: move more, eat less, loose weight.
    Finances: sav3e more money for my renovations in 2023. Made easier, when I go back to fulltime work in April. General: get on top of housework, like you!

  24. Kathy Gamboa
    Kathy Gamboa says:

    I love your ideas. I too am going to save more money and concentrate on my health. I really am thinking about ways to save on groceries. I wrote a list of things I want to cut out of my diet and my grocery budget. It was so amazing how much these things cost me in a year's time. Unreal. It's a shocker. Well, if I don't buy it I save money. If I don't eat it— I save my health. It's a WIN WIN. I want to stick to more meatless meals and eating chicken the most when I do have meat. Beef prices in the U.S. are horrible. I think I'll pass on that cost in my budget.

  25. Nancy Hemati
    Nancy Hemati says:

    Thanks for the video, Claire and Happy New Year to you! I have only one interjection about setting goals…ugh. Is it possible to have a goal of setting real goals? I'm working on it!

  26. Lisa Haffner
    Lisa Haffner says:

    Your goals sound very doable. Good luck. My goals are to save for a new dishwasher, continue to put extra towards my mortgage, beef up my emergency fund, stick to a $600 month grocery shop and work towards my one month ahead on expenses.

  27. Diane Barwick
    Diane Barwick says:

    Glad I not the only one who has decided for 2022 that shopping budget needs to come down . Also I saving up a pet fund for same reasons as you pet insurance is expensive . Also want to pay of debt incurred from losing my job after been furloughed last year . Looking forward to this if I can be debt free for next Christmas it would be great .
    I setting myself a weekly budget for food and paying cash as before it was tops here and there on card and it soon mounts up . Good luck with it all.

  28. Recon HyPeZ
    Recon HyPeZ says:

    Thank you for your YouTube video, they are so inspiring. I am hoping and aiming to pay of £3500 worth of debt and then by 2024 be debt free as the money I save I will be paying off my husbands. I think it’s important to be honest with myself and set myself a goal. 2022 already feels like it’s going to be a good year and going to stay positive. Btw also say keep going with your walking. Even 5 minutes looking up when walking helps our mental health, which will help us have a healthy body. Keep being you xxx

  29. Alice
    Alice says:

    A good book to try and build new habits is called 'atomic habits' you can find reviews on here. It may help with the housework! Your house always looks spotless to me watching from YouTube 🙂


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