Mouth-watering CASSEROLES WITHOUT “Cream of” soups | Casseroles without canned soups

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Welcome to Feeding the Byrds! We’ve got some mouth-watering casseroles and the best part, they are absolutely delicious and …

25 replies
  1. comiketiger
    comiketiger says:

    Wonderful video and recipes. They all looked good, but the squash casserole was so interesting. Maybe sliced ham would work very well for this.
    You hit it out of the park, once again.
    God bless all here.

  2. Yrutnec1
    Yrutnec1 says:

    I appreciate your 1st recipe…..however……I am not on the bandwagon of disliking 'can soup" —- I happen to love Campbell's….and not sure why most YouTubers are boosting 'no can soups'….whatever. I usually avoid their videos. I do appreciate you sending me to JESSICA O'DONOHUE…..I do love her so!

  3. Yiayia
    Yiayia says:

    I had to put on hold for a few but boy am I glad I came back to see the last recipe. Actually that one plus the butternut squash lasagna, can’t wait to try both of them!!!!🍜🧀🧄🥔🥦

  4. Juliemaria Riley
    Juliemaria Riley says:

    Amber, you always help me to laugh at myself- I work part-time as a cashier and I have come to the realization that I cannot “talk and transact” at the same time 😂 I love the butternut squash lasagna recipe! This is definitely going to be a favorite! Thank you again for sharing and for being so real! 🌻😊


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