Mothers Day and Instant pot experiments – 10th May vlog

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit

We had a different Mother’s day this year, but we did get to see Erika’s Mum and spoke to my mum. Erika also got to play with her instant pot. ***Get your instant …

24 replies
  1. Berry Aussie
    Berry Aussie says:

    Ladies don’t be scared of your instapot. I absolutely love mine. I brought mine back from when I lived in the states and got the converter. Tip: the handles on the instapot holds the lid. It makes the best yoghurt. The butter chicken from her is amazing.

  2. Tribbles
    Tribbles says:

    I live in New York which has been hard hit by the virus. Parts of the state have met the benchmarks and can begin slowly opening but my area has not. We have quite a way to go. There are seven qualifications. We've only met five. In some of the categories we're actually losing ground.
    I got an IP for xmas and haven't used it because it looks complicated and I'm scared. My mother had one in the 50's and she too viewed it with suspicion.
    I admire your nan learning to use an Ipad at ninety. One of these days I'm going to have to surrender my flip phone.
    A savory muffin from your recipe is thawing for my breakfast as I type this. enjoyed the video. You have a lovely home.

  3. LostInOz
    LostInOz says:

    Ive been known to give up on a ridiculously hard puzzle, it takes the fun out of it when it gets too monotonous.
    Look Santa…nudge nudge…wink wink 🎅😉

  4. janehorton1
    janehorton1 says:

    I have one of these and they are fantastic! I’ve got a Phillips and have had it 3+yrs. Don’t be fearful of the pressure cooker – it’s way less scary than an older style stand alone pressure cooker. I love the sear function too.

  5. Tara Lynch
    Tara Lynch says:

    Love you girls and all your videos, always full of great information and recipes. It’s great how you include people in your everyday lives 😊 keep up the good work.

  6. Crys Davis
    Crys Davis says:

    Had to laugh,you are like me puzzles drive me crazy lol…Lovely pot you got there..Had to laugh at Dan,she said you think your going to blow everthing up when Ericka was learning all about her new toy 🤣😂 guys are infectious lol..stay safe 💕

  7. cassanth
    cassanth says:

    Hopefully FaceTime with nan will improve as I got her to put a cushion under the ipad the other day to help tilt it up a bit. I have been doing trivia and other quizzes for out friends on whatsapp the last couple of months, so I would love to get an idea of some of the trivia questions you have been using.


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