Monsoon Desert Garden Tour – July 24th, 2022 – This Happened With The Peanuts

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Monsoon Desert Garden Tour – July 24th, 2022 – This Happened With The Peanuts Join Our Seed Swap

20 replies
  1. Karen Sterling
    Karen Sterling says:

    Growing peanuts is fun. The reason the seed splits is because it roots from inside. If you split a peanut open you’ll see a little nib towards the bottom. And as far as the heat they fold their leaves together to save water.
    As they get bigger keep an eye on the stems. You’ll see some straight lines growing down towards the soil. Peanuts will grow from those so bury those stems kind of like you’ll hill up potatoes. Hope it helps.
    FYI they usually take about 90 days or a little bit longer so harvest them before the new ones start to sprout. Ask me how I know😞

  2. Moises M
    Moises M says:

    This humidity is awful I can't stand it. But it was nice to see temperatures below 100. I had my shade cloth up all day today. My plants are probably the happiest they have been in a while. And my tomatoes I planted a few days ago already came up. I'm so excited to see what happens with them. They are sweetie cherry tomatoes.

  3. Andrea Wilson
    Andrea Wilson says:

    Speaking to your soil drop, I recently learned to mix a bunch of perlite to compost to help aerate when the compost settles. I have papaya trees in a large pot with mostly compost that was gifted to me, the soil is settling and the leaves look dry despite watering daily. I am going to have to drill more drain holes or transplant into ground. Ugh.😖

  4. Michelle C
    Michelle C says:

    That sky over the mountain was amazing… I had that same view 😍 when I was puttering among my sweet potato pots. Your Malabar spinach looks amazing (I’m trying to decide where to put mine eventually). Do you have any experience planting comfrey in the desert?

  5. Maria T Arrue
    Maria T Arrue says:

    Hi again, I think the peanuts are stealling the show! Lol… Now I want some 😅.
    I notice you have lots of pots do you use more plastic ones or grow bags? And how often do you water them?
    I have not have any sucess with the pots but all my inground ites are doing Ok


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