Monday Night Live with Mousetoes!

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Stock up on your canning lids now! Don’t wait for canning season. is the place to go and you can still use …

42 replies
  1. PalominoGirl
    PalominoGirl says:

    I've always had a garden and canned, but life threw me several instances where afterwards, I took it to a new level. Then another new level. Last January was Canuary! Last year, I saw the shortages coming and really, really, stocked up. Yes, I love walking into my pantry and seeing all the pretty colors of fruit and vegetables, and the ugly chicken, beef, and pork. But the peanut butter I bought a year ago, that (I didn't do the math) supposedly has gone up 30-percent – that's money in the bank, or um…in the pantry…! Boneless skinless chicken breasts? Seriously, I remember seeing them in the store for the first time years ago! They are convenient, but lately, I've been buying whole chickens instead.

    ANTS – Mousetoes, you have Southern ants, so this may not work, but I put Borax and sugar in water, soak a cotton ball, and put it on the ant trail. They are attracted to the sugar, but the Borax kills them – this works in a day – even in my greenhouse!

  2. Lori Irons
    Lori Irons says:

    We are carpooling to the grocery stores ( my friends and I ) and taking turns driving each other. I really enjoyed this from the two of you. I am a newer subscriber and had never seen you two together, what a hoot! Thank you for making me laugh and smile, and learn some great tips!!

  3. Peaches Mcbee
    Peaches Mcbee says:

    Loved the show I found chicken thighs for 98 cents a pound skin on bone in so I cut it up got 7 pints and made 3 Quarts of broth from the bones and skin first time they turned out perfect and I'm happy and snapy lol wanted to know can I put garlic cloves in the chicken ?

  4. Terry Hall
    Terry Hall says:

    Oh you guys are great together. I love watching you on Monday night live! I do have a question. On the Bear Creek soups what is the best way to store them?

  5. Begaye Lyle
    Begaye Lyle says:

    Good morning ladies
    Watching replay, didn’t get watch live
    Coming from New Mexico
    Still prepping..
    Keep it coming on preparing for anything!
    Thumbs up 👍👍👍👍

  6. Cheryl H
    Cheryl H says:

    Has distribution been a problem, there are so many trucks on the roads, they say everything was covid, not sure, but I feel that this has been in the warehouse, this way they can put the prices up because they are saying there is a shortage. Sorry, I don't have a lot of faith in the persons running our country. My husband will help me can anything, but he refuses me canning meat. Thank you both for this entertaining video.

  7. Greta Dise
    Greta Dise says:

    The USDA states that even if the expiration date on your food item has passed, it should still be safe to eat if handled properly until the spoilage is evident. Those food date labels may not be as cut and dry as imagined: "Best if Used By/Before" indicates best flavor or quality.

  8. Andrea
    Andrea says:

    In my area the sale prices at grocery stores rarely beat Walmart prices. Walmart even beats Sam's on some things. It's easier than ever to compare by using apps!!

  9. Andrea
    Andrea says:

    I hate meal planning. Before I started stocking up I started cooking from scratch. No more frozen meal kits/entrees. When I decided to stock up I wrote each ingredient on the shopping list and then bought 2-3-4 of each ingredient. Ex: spaghetti- ground beef, tomato sauce, tomato paste, pasta, parmesan.


    While I left Walmart on New Years Eve, when I was there were were having issues getting in several types of produce. We were having to get a lot of it from our secondary supplier. (Im pretty sure that is happening in all areas). The secondary supplier is that because they can not provide produce that is as fresh as the Distribution Centers. Also when it comes from the DC, it is in a refrigerated truck. Secondary suppliers rarely have "refer" trucks.

  11. Mary Kincaid
    Mary Kincaid says:

    Leisa, I pressure can pinto beans today. Part of the jars didn't do good the beans didnt look done..even the juice in it was brown. I put a cup in a quart and can for 90 minutes…. they sealed so what do I do keep it and finish cooking when open .

  12. Dee Jay73
    Dee Jay73 says:

    I love taking peanut butter and thinning it out a bit to make peanut noodle sauce. Add a dash of soy sauce and a little garlic. So easy, cheap, and yummy.


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