Mistakes were made when cooking this Honey Garlic Chicken Recipe… Is it salvageable?

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I tried to fix this recipe and recommend cooking it as below instead If the apple cider vinegar flavor was too dominant in the sauce, …

31 replies
  1. @cib3r_
    @cib3r_ says:

    I got a good chuckle when you tossed the starch directly into the chicken because that was going to be the beginning of disaster, but anyway here’s my two cents:

    1) Fat in chicken thighs is actually full of flavor, you wanna keep it – think of fried chicken thighs, they’re fried and eaten fat and all

    2) You already know this by now, but the reason you dip the chicken in egg then coat it instead of tossing everything together is because you want the cornstarch to just coat the chicken. If you toss flour (or cornstarch) into a wet mixture (egg), you end up with dough. You don’t want dough, you want a breaded chicken.

    3) The sauce seems like it would’ve been good but you gotta reduce it some more. You want to keep it on medium-low heat, keep stirring so it doesn’t caramelize on the bottom. A tip to know when it’s ready is when you can dip a spoon into it and it comes out with a visible coating on it. This applies to pretty much any sauce.

    But A for effort anyways, keep up the good content

  2. @bruceleeroy7647
    @bruceleeroy7647 says:

    gonna say it but you did.. bite the bullet and deep fry. Airfryer is a gimmick. it is an oven and nothing from an oven tastes as good as fried. I enjoy your videos thanks for making them.

  3. @macycharmin
    @macycharmin says:

    Lol I love your facial expressions and pure honesty! So much for try'n to make a fried Chinese food dish healthy 😂. Maybe a thicker sauce; idk? Too vinigary≈not good! Oh well, you tried! I saw your General Tso vid, looked delicious and easy to make. Am gonna try it! Thanks Dave!

  4. @amesstoday
    @amesstoday says:

    I would have sprayed the chicken with oil prior to putting them in the air fryer. The corn starch would have crisped up and they would have been delicious. I cook thighs all the time. I also leave the fat on the pieces as it does add flavor and crisps nicely.

  5. @GiGiRenea
    @GiGiRenea says:

    Chicken thighs suck to prep but taste way better imo. They're not as prone to drying out as breasts are. I learned the hard way to get rid of the fat. Through out a whole pot of chicken and dumplings.
    I love you that you aren't a pro. It'll show people they can do it too and that it doesn't always work out! Mistakes are teachers

  6. @kimme0469
    @kimme0469 says:

    Dave…do you know what you are saying? Half inch cubes would be like mince. Honey, Garlic, sesame… What?! Those chicken pieces where more like 2" chunks BTW.

  7. @reetsoz2592
    @reetsoz2592 says:

    Dave Dave Dave….i have never heard of eggs and flour used to make honey garlic chicken. If you ever come down under I will make you the best honey garlic chicken wings ever. 😉

  8. @danatripp1972
    @danatripp1972 says:

    Seems like dejavoo to me 😂
    Yes, you went wrong pretty much everywhere lol but it seems to me like there should be some cornstarch in the sauce to thicken it. And if the chicken was coated and fried it would probably be spot on


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