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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day at home with us on our homestead! #largefamilylove #homesteading …

33 replies
  1. Jamie Clements
    Jamie Clements says:

    That soup is perfect. My mama and aunt just got back from the North Georgia mountains and she brought me so many apples to can. Have you ever made applesauce? I want to try that and apple pie filling.

  2. Annie Lumm
    Annie Lumm says:

    We call that kind of soup catch all soup in our house! Hubby and I are working on possibilities for it now. I asked him to pick what our 1st soup of the season would be and that was his request! He wants to use tonight's Italian chicken as the protein so we tossed a couple Xtra in. We been saving our leftover veggies all week. It's gonna be our Sunday dinner and maybe Monday to lol

  3. Random Citizen
    Random Citizen says:

    SHELVES SHELVES SHELVES ON THAT LONG EMPTY WALL in the basement. Either store bought or DIY Built. Also depending on how high the ceiling is down there you can install tracks that hold storage bins for seasonal decorations etc.

  4. Nicole Keller
    Nicole Keller says:

    Thanks for the motivation to clean up some clutter! Did you say that the crosswave vacuums and mops at the same time? I really need to save up and get a stand mixer so I can start making breads. Yours always look so delicious. Oh and Ashlynn's drawing was soooo good!!😊

  5. Yvette & Gerry
    Yvette & Gerry says:

    That’s what I call refrigerator soup 🥣 it’s like free food and the bread 🍞 looks delicious . I had a chihuahua for 13 years and she was the sweetest dog 🐶 I’ve ever had . Maybe you could put some sturdy shelves on that wall to help keep it organized. I’m making potatoes, green beans , carrots and kielbasa today . Wish I had a loaf of your bread 🥖 . Thank you 🐈🦋🐈‍⬛

  6. KendraS90
    KendraS90 says:

    That pizza looks so good! Tomorrow is pizza day for us. Not sure what I'll make today but I have plenty of options. We had breakfast for dinner last night! We are continuing eating at home as much as possible. Still trying to pay things off. Sadly it can't happen quick enough!

  7. Kathy Cunningham
    Kathy Cunningham says:

    Good morning Tiffany
    A day of all delicious foods, thank you for sharing. It all looked wonderful.
    It seems, including myself, a lot of people are reorganizing and decluttering lately. For me, it’s not only getting ready for winter but the holidays. Next on my list is switching spring/summer to fall/winter clothes now.
    Awesome video.
    You and your family enjoy a fun, fantastic and blessed day.


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