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14 replies
  1. Queen Shelley Hughes
    Queen Shelley Hughes says:

    I'm a day late, but watch lives on 1.5 or 2 speed. So many doctors and others say 'you can do Keto/Carnivore without a gallbladder'. Finally Dr Berry said the 'extra' part during the PHD conference. " When you signed ALL those papers prior to GB or weight loss surgery…. within the paperwork it states that you may ALWAYS suffer from diarrhea! I'm 76 and had mine out 6 years ago. I have to know where every single bathroom is wherever I go! When I had surgery the 1/2 hour surgery took 2 hours. My omentum surrounded the GB, it was gangrenous, atrophied, one single golf ball sized stone!!

  2. Redwines
    Redwines says:

    Super coffee creamer is good. Good ingredients sugar free. Look into it. U don't need much of it also. Kitu super coffee creamer. 0 carbs also. They have pre made coffees but they have carbs but the creamer is awesome

  3. Susie Hodges
    Susie Hodges says:

    Clewiston Florida
    I make pizza with ground chicken, Parmesan cheese and egg crust. Then toppings of choice 😊
    You can make fathead dough crust
    Just wanted to let Andy know that possibly he needs a few drops of iodine – this could be the reason for his pain. There’s a video from Dr Ken Berry on YouTube. Hopefully this will help you


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