Minstrelsy to Modern Day: How Black people are portrayed in media.

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A breakdown and look into how Black people are portrayed in novels, film, and TV. Why is blackface still so prevalent in the 21st …

20 replies
  1. Melissa Tukker
    Melissa Tukker says:

    I'm Dutch and very glad to have found your video! Its extremely well done and educational. Sinterklaas holds a warm place in my childhood; the blackface depictions in the shows and movies surrounding the holiday will not be missed however.

  2. guifred coffee mug
    guifred coffee mug says:

    Location location location…
    My father was born in 1910 in Mississippi to the smartest black people ever! They left there in 1911.
    To St.Louis Mo. Where my father grew up much like the kids in the our gang serier. He was not bitter nor was he sympatico with the racism. Simply it was the time and ppl made thd most of it not catering to ppl and places where discrimination was rampant. He was aware of rhe difference. Change is slow its too bad we have taken several steps backwards.

  3. Duane
    Duane says:

    I grew up in the 60's-70's the Black people ( my self included) who grew up with "Our Gang", Stepin'Fetchit, Mantan Moreland, Amos n' Andy etc we would see on TV didn't bother us too much because we generally knew that Black folks didn't get down like that, at least most of us didn't 😉 so we laughed at a lot of that ish. I'll say this and stick to it ' a lot of politically incorrect humor can be some of the funniest 😁 we knew better. But what's worse now is how a modern day "Birth of a nation" is being played out in real time and life in rap music and gang/ gangsta and whorish culture. The 'chicken stealing ( now it's Walmart)' minstrel's have come home to roost 🤨

  4. Margaret Thomas
    Margaret Thomas says:

    All your doing here is preaching 98% CONTERMPORARY PROFIT!! OBVIOUS, you have never heard of MR Magoo, Elmer Fudd, Goofy. Jimmy Durante. The 3 stooges, Laurel and Hardy, the Marx Brothers, and thousands of other non black individuals, teams in art and entertainment, that were, are mocked, humiliated, dehumanised in mass media, culture. literature, in the general human shyche.?? Cherry picking samples of degrading samples to black people, and just parroting what is the common CONTEMOMPORARY PROFIT BRAINWASHING BY FORCES ATTEMPTING TO BRAINWASH YOU. BY FALLING FOR it, you are doing nothing to justify, clarify, and give meaning, substance, and credit to yourself, or your people, who in the times you are indicating here generally accepted all people as equals in times that laws, conditions, circumstances, were not the fault of, or caused by individuals, fellow actors etc, but by those that controlled everything. Minstrelsy for example was performed, and attended by all nationalities. Yes it did not please all, nothing did, but thankfully because there was, is people that considered things from a non divisive base, COLOR WHATEVER? IT OPPENED DOORS FOR ALL PEOPLE TO BE PRESENTED, EVEN IF IN A COMICAL WAY, STILL IN A RESPECTFUL ONE. THE CONSTANT CRYING HERE, AND IN A GENERAL MASS WAY, THAT ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE MONSTERS, AND HATE BLACKS, DID AND CONTINUES TO DESTROY ANY HOPE OF BRINGING HUMANITY TOGETHER!

  5. Alternatywka z sąsiedztwa
    Alternatywka z sąsiedztwa says:

    Great video! I was sure it was a big channel because of the quality, giving you a sub to get there quicker 🙂 I'm from Poland so I learned what the blackface was only when it started beeing talked about a few years back on examples of youtubers like Shane Dawson. After your video I can grasp the scale of the problem more easily, thank you for educating me. I had no idea that it was such a common thing in US media of 30s and 40s, it's quite shocking. Also all of those Black people stereotypes in media – even as person not born or raised in US culture I can easily see what's wrong with them, so if someone from US says they don't – bullsh*t. They have to know, it's so obvious! They just choose not to see anything wrong, probably mostly because they are not the ones being laughed at. Or because they simply agree with the stereotype.
    Anyway, I can't wait to see more of your videos, cheers!

  6. Cameron Fraser
    Cameron Fraser says:

    Interesting video! Particular the first section, the stereotypes that came from Uncle Toms cabin are fairly well known in pop culture but hearing about the origins of them was very eye opening and engaging. Keep doing what you’re doing, this is great stuff. You’ve got yourself a new fan from Australia 😁


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