Mini Mango Cheesecake – No-Bake, Vegan, No Gelatin | Healthy Cheesecake Recipe | Vegan Dessert

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14 replies
  1. pooja khamesra
    pooja khamesra says:

    Hey Superb video and I made this it's awesome … How do plan the video ? What your schedule for the video ? You make very nice videos every week.
    How do you plan them ? Your testing day and other things like the content you write somuch of work tags and .
    PlZ share you routine. U are an all rounder

  2. Sona Tilawat
    Sona Tilawat says:

    Nice recipe 😋 looks delicious. How long does it stays set at room temperature? I know in your website you have mentioned that we supposed to serve immediately once out of refrigerator. But would like to know how long does it stays set. If we want to gift someone these cheese cakes will that be okay? Will it stay out good for atleast half an hour ?


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