MEXICAN FOOD RECIPES COMPILATIONS | Satisfying and tasty food| Over 2 hours of COOKING!!!

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MEXICAN FOOD RECIPES COMPILATIONS | Satisfying and tasty food ❤️If you are looking for a recipe. Search on YouTube …

43 replies
  1. Mayra Lugo
    Mayra Lugo says:

    Hello Steph & Claude, I love you're show and I've made so many of your recipes and I always look forward to new videos. I'm a big Frida Kahlo fan, where did you get the Frida cutting boards? Best wishes & stay blessed amigas.

  2. Lorena Dominguez
    Lorena Dominguez says:

    Hi ladies! Thanks for the recipes. I been recovering from my surgery and I'm ready to get in my kitchen. Thanks for replying back to me and wishing me speedy recovery. It truly made my day. I watched a lot of your videos and I'm going to start to make your recipe tacos Al vapor con frijolitos. Something easy and delicious. Thanks again Steph and Cloud 😍

  3. joanne meagher
    joanne meagher says:

    steph and claude, i'm an old gringa and mexican food is my favorite. because of you, my mexican food now tastes authentic!! i'm 71 years old and now have so many secrets to wonderful mexican dishes. thanks so much for making your recipes available to all. i especially love your birria chili oil. i think it's one of my favorites.

  4. dog mom
    dog mom says:

    When are you coming out with a cookbook? I've tried a half dozen of your recipes and not only do they work, but they are delicious. The videos with your sister and kids interacting with you are so sweet.

  5. Eve Mendoza
    Eve Mendoza says:

    Well this is a repeat for me cause I haven't watched every 1 of your videos. Love the birria, birria tacos, You're posole, Your green rice, you're green Spaghetti, your chilakilles are hit in our household so thank you so much for your inspiration to cook more are Hispanic food. I could go on and on about all the good food that you've allowed me to Give my family You are all very much a blessing

  6. Cheryl Griffin
    Cheryl Griffin says:

    I have just started watching you not that long ago and you guys are amazing I've never even attempted to make a tortilla but with your guys's recipe I feel like I probably could do it pretty sure all right thank you for your recipe

  7. Meka Toure
    Meka Toure says:

    I don’t think you understand how much I needed this three hour video!! I have to do my daughters hair, clean and cook all while watching this video!!! Thanks ladies ❤️

  8. Diane Ramirez
    Diane Ramirez says:

    What a great way to start off a Friday with your marathon!💕 was early this morning and finished watching it in bed ❤️ Thank you. Have a nice weekend girls stay safe and enjoy your families💕

  9. Treasuretree Reynolds
    Treasuretree Reynolds says:

    What a cool compilation of videos! The boys are going to be taking over you and Clouds show pretty soon. You know that, right? Lol. These are memories that will stay with them always. Your recipes are on point but your mom and Tia skills are on point. Love y’all too mushhhh! 💜


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