MEGA MEAL PREP | Whole30 Compliant & Easy!

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This meal prep is clean eating, Whole 30 compliant, and easy! We had a very easy month of meals after doing this, so give it a try! BBOLD with your life!

3 replies
  1. lamp 81
    lamp 81 says:

    Awesome Video on all the different meals you made at one time!!!! Freezer meals are a great idea! I am splitting this into two days since I have to go shopping today. Need to lose about 120 lbs. and have been working out for over a year with a personal trainer. I have lost a total of only 20 lbs. because I have not been a faithful dieter. I am a lot stronger and my endurance is so much better! Time to be more committed to changing my diet. I did whole 30 back in September and October and took off 14 lbs. but the holidays side tracked me. Back to the healthy foods! Thanks for the inspirational food prepping! Love it!


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