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I have been making these meals in a jar for Shana while she is taking care of a client who had knee surgery. I want her to eat better, so I am preparing these for …

38 replies
  1. Katie Vdbshsh
    Katie Vdbshsh says:

    Vickie – I appreciate these recipes. I will b able to make them now before I get to sick to cook. That way I can still eat well on days I can tollerate food. Thank you so much. If you have any other recipes in jars please put direct me to them. Thanks & God bless you from Grandma Katie in Oregon

  2. laura smith
    laura smith says:

    Thank you so much for covering meals in a jar. I am single and have health a condition that the pain gets worse in the evening and at night. Most of the time I do not feel like cooking because I am hurting. This is perfect for me. It's a life saver. Right now we are currently in the 2020 pandemic along with the tornados that have hit Tennessee. Having no power has really changed the way I think about fo9od storage and healthy eating. Again thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and ideals. New subscriber now!

  3. Raynona Bohrer
    Raynona Bohrer says:

    Question this lady she's taken care of what is she going to eat is someone bringing her food and not feeding your daughter. I should you be sending two meals for the both of them?

  4. mary w
    mary w says:

    Great for anyone to make, prepare, and visit with an elderly friend that may need a little TLC. What an awesome treat for them if you took it, visited while they ate, washed up after, and put the extra helping in a bowl for lunch the next day. Even someone that is going in for 'treatment' that exhausts them would appreciate the kindness this would bring. Terrific video!

  5. Martha Adams
    Martha Adams says:

    Hi Vickie, Sorry, I did not see this when it was put up. I am interested in this now and wonder if you used wild rice, would you cook it first, dry it and then put it in the meals in a jar? Regular rice, I would do it that way because it is so dirty.

  6. W Val
    W Val says:

    I hope your daughter is very thankful for you. My mother was fabulous. But I've found that not all mothers are that caring and some children aren't appreciative. People, you should appreciate your parents!

  7. Joyce Chapman
    Joyce Chapman says:

    I am a diabetic and have other health issues. Do you know where I can find meals in a jar that are keto friendly. Most sites make fun of people who NEED a keto diet and blow it off as people being picky not realizing that it is a matter of life and death for many people. But, I cannot find anything on the internet (two years past your video) that addresses that need. Most freeze dried food places have no foods that can be made into keto meals. 🙁

  8. Lana Ebarb
    Lana Ebarb says:

    Please advise, how does Thrive compare to other Freeze Dried Food companies? What is the advantage of Thrive? I see this cropping up more and more, so I am just wondering. Your videos are very clear! I enjoy them very much!

  9. Kerry Lacey
    Kerry Lacey says:

    Hi Vickie from your newest subscriber , im in Australia and i would really love some more of your wonderful recipes please , we go camping so these sort of meals are always handy and even when we go away we can make our meals up saving rather alot of money instead of buying , i loved your video thanks for sharing


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