Meal Prep For Breakfast – You Might Be Hungry Or Want To Continue Fasting From Your Nighttime Sleep.

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Dr. Klaper shares meal prep ideas for breakfast. Sometimes intermittent fasting is continued from your nighttime sleep, other times …

13 replies
  1. Dobrozahrada
    Dobrozahrada says:

    Hi. I agree that there is no need to eat if a person is not hungry, but I do not believe, that not being hungry in the morning is healthy. I also do not agree with intermittent fasting in the morning, especially for people with weight issues. People are not hungry in the morning because they eat late in the afternoon even at night. Then they do not have quality sleep. The body should have a rest during the night and not digest the food which can not use anymore and has to store the energy. The body works with the same food differently before and after midday. So I would agree with you if you also mention the benefits of fasting/stop eating in the afternoon and not in the morning. Then everybody will be hungry in the morning and still having a beautiful rest through the night.

  2. Christine D
    Christine D says:

    I’m. Ever hungry in the morning, but I always drink cup of coffee with oat milk, I am sure the oat milk breaks a fast…I can do without breakfast, but I really love my morning coffee

  3. Sheila-lynn Fleming
    Sheila-lynn Fleming says:

    Dr k I have been a vegan for three years and found out I have a bulged dic in by spine Are there and foods or herbs to heal the. dic to reverse the bulge do you know please help thank you Sheila

  4. bhami
    bhami says:

    Oats: I cook & freeze cups of steel-cut oats with a little cinnamon, a week at a time. Thaws in 90 seconds; heats with soy milk in another 75 seconds.

  5. Ozymandias
    Ozymandias says:

    This is wrong information. Skipping breakfast increases your chance of getting heart disease and diabetes, as Dr. Greger has shown. Don’t skip breakfast, unless you fast the whole day.

  6. P T
    P T says:

    I've never understood why the common misconception that 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day' prevails. Maybe if you're heading out to chop wood or plough fields or do heavy manual labour. It's been a big con by cereal manufacturers for years. Also, it all depends what you ate and when the previous night. If you ate a three course meal of pasta, meat, dessert and finished at 9pm, that's a different scenario from a modest meal low in carbs and fat that you had at 5pm and didn't eat anything else before going to bed.


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