Meal Prep, Cook & Eat with Me! Kid Friendly, Meat & Plant Based Meals

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26 replies
  1. Troy & her Boys
    Troy & her Boys says:

    If you’re ordering from Zehrs there is a spot at the end where you can request specific items – for your fish taco kit. They don’t list every item online it’s kind of a generic list for all stores. Lately my store has been calling to let me know my order is ready and they always ask if there is anything else I need so you could tell them them about the fish taco kit.

  2. Hello Coffee
    Hello Coffee says:

    Great video!! I struggle to meal plan also and I agree 💯 that it’s because it’s stressful figuring out what to make! I’m going to challenge myself to cook more! ❤️

  3. Dee B
    Dee B says:

    Oh! And on "those " nights, I made pancakes and the kids could stick in chocolate chips right on their plates once done. Add a glass of white milk and everyone is happy!!

  4. Dee B
    Dee B says:

    I love broccoli, cauliflower, whole "bunny rabbit" carrots on parchment paper sprinkled with olive oil, nutritional yeast, and crushed almonds. Bake 12-15 minutes tops on 425 degrees.
    The last two ingredients replace bread crumbs!
    Yum!! I can eat so many veggies this way!!!

  5. Hannah Stevenson
    Hannah Stevenson says:

    I wish I could enjoy vegetables again 😭 I completely went off most vegetables whilst pregnant but powered through and fed myself like a child, (yes I blended and hid vegetables from myself 😂) but I'm still really struggling to actually enjoy vegetables again! Argh

  6. Stacie Murray
    Stacie Murray says:

    We are plant based, and my husband thinks shiitake mushrooms taste like dirt😂 so it’s probably not just because the potstickers were meatless. One thing that helps me with meals (we only eat out 2-3 times a month, vs the 4-6 times per week we used to do!😱) is I’ll ask everyone in my family what meal they’d enjoy for the upcoming week- we’re a fam of 5, so it works out well for the majority, and that way my kids are suuuper excited for “their” nights (they’re 3,7&8) and more often than not, we’ll have the same meal a couple of weeks, and then when I’m out of our basics or what we always love to have on hand, I’m writing it on the shopping list AS I’m recycling or throwing away the package or whatever☺️

  7. Monica Greenwood
    Monica Greenwood says:

    Love the video! I am also trying to eat healthier and save money by meal prepping more. All of your recipes look so delish! I did notice you used parchment paper when you baked. I recently switched from parchment to the silicon baking mats. They have been amazing, and it cuts down on the amount of oil that you have to use when baking, so another plus on healthier eating. I highly recommend. I purchased this three pack on Amazon.

  8. charger1lg
    charger1lg says:

    I have been watching you since Malaysia and love your videos. The dinner ideas were awesome!
    Let’s be real our kids don’t always eat what we do im sure we were the same as kids, lol

  9. natureallmighty
    natureallmighty says:

    You used to do a calliflower-brocolli and cheese soup, we borrowed that a long time ago from your Pinterest board and have loved it ever since! That's also good with some bacon bits on top. You are doing so good, Amanda! No shame for the fish sticks – that's 50% of the fish we eat, even though our son would eat fish in any shape or form.

  10. Gemma Rapson
    Gemma Rapson says:

    I too have started to meal plan more. It makes my food shopping seem easier and I no longer have the panic everyday of ‘what am I going to cook tonight’.
    Much love from the UK

  11. Rhonda Williams
    Rhonda Williams says:

    How is it that you're getting older, and I'm not? Hmm? Anyway, kudos to you for the meal planning. I have a straightforward recipe for Talapia that the whole family will enjoy. Dip the Talapia in ranch dressing then in crushed potato chips (the kids love that part) and then fry them in coconut oil 3min. on each side. I usually just serve it with roasted vegetables and a really loaded salad with more ranch dressing (we're not big carb eaters). You could hook it up with potato fries, tater tots, or sweet potato fries with roasted vegetables. (it's never baked, Darlin, it's always roasted, LOL) Everything is done pretty much at the same time. It's a quick and easy dinner. Except my salad takes a lot of time, (I clean everything really well and then chop it into tiny bite-size pieces. It takes me about 30 min. or so to make, which is another reason why the fries or taters and roasted vegies will work better for you. Thank you for the meal planning tips. Love the apron, by the way, very Vintage.

  12. Lorraine Cowles
    Lorraine Cowles says:

    I totally agree with not knowing what to cook. I have cooked everything over and over. Im wanting to be better and healthier. I work full time and want dinner by 5:30 as well. It’s a real struggle. Did some research and found I have been thinking to pay for it. I have made a lot of there desserts and yummy yummy. I hope you can find dinner ideas

  13. coco silk
    coco silk says:

    I've been watching your videos for a while now, since I was pregnant with my first child. I have 3 now and the youngest is 8 months old. I ended up with gestational diabetes with my 3rd and since then, I have learned a whole lot about food that I was not aware of… I mean, we all know the obvious things about sugar being bad for us, and many of us have been turned off fats with the whole low fat thing. Well, turns out that the low carb / ketogenic diet thing is a better way to go and many diabetics (in the UK diabetes forum) are using this type of diet to put their diabetes into remission. So knowing that, I try not to overdo it on carbs for my kids thinking that I am buying them more time into their futures where they will still be able to include carbs without negative health consequences. The thing is, excess carbs are what our body turns into fat and then leads to insulin resistance, which we can have for 10 or more years before it becomes prediabetes. But they don't test your insulin routinely so people aren't warned about this until it's much later in the game (like when you already have a blood sugar problem…). Meal times are certainly a challenge here… No more pasta, bread, biscuits, chips, (we are trying not to serve grains because they will inevitably get them outside the home if someone else offers them so we figured we'll feed them more proteins (meat, fish, eggs) and vegetables at home where possible). We also learned about seed oils (sunflower, canola etc) being really quite damaging to our health (google that one). So that rules out pretty much anything ready-made / processed because they are all done in low quality (and probably oxidized) seed oils… But the low/lowish carb thing for kids makes it a real challenge. No fruit juices – fructose is only metabolised by the liver and is one of the causes of non-alcoholic fatty liver and insulin resistance. Of course we do our best not to eat junk food and sweets, except for a little dark chocolate or carob sometimes. Meals revolve around pressure-cooked lamb (with bones and the broth), or roasts; fried chicken livers or fresh salmon fillets. And vegetables of all kinds. Potatoes and legumes are their carbs instead of pasta and bread. Homemade yoghurt features widely. And they do eat a lot of cheese too. My husband makes a wicked sauerkraut which my 5yo daughter loves. (My 3yo son is still not sure about it though.) And I use almond meal instead of grain flours to make them a banana pancake every now and then and they think it's a treat. They still get more treats than I'm allowed since I really do try to stay low carb so I don't end up a T2 diabetic… My biggest treat is roasted macadamia nuts, which has the best omega 3 to 6 ratio (apparently we all get too much omega 6). Anyway, that's a lot to digest. But I wish I had known 20 years ago to check how insulin resistant I was.


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