Meal Planned meals of the week. Did we stick to our meal plan for the week? Fish Pie, Pizza & more!

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Watch our meal planned family meals to see all of our meals that we meal planned this week. Did we stick to our meal plan?

23 replies
  1. Susan Parslow
    Susan Parslow says:

    I am keen to make the fish pie, minus the prawns due to a family members allergy to shellfish. I'm sure it will still taste good anyway. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'm a Jamie fan too…

  2. Abbeydaleblacks
    Abbeydaleblacks says:

    Thanks for sharing the fish pie recipe, I’d never thought to make it without the sauce (which I don’t like) and I made this JO one this evening and it’s fab! Keep making the fab videos x

  3. Donna Speight
    Donna Speight says:

    I couldn't agree more about the ministry of food cookbook, its my absolute favourite. The fish pie is great too although I've adapted the recipe a bit and we now make the mash using a mix of standard potato and sweet potato to add that bit of extra nutrition.

  4. momof2
    momof2 says:

    For me, a meal plan is just a guide to make sure we have enough ingredients. These ingredients can also be used for other meals as you have done. Thanks for sharing 🥰💐🌷🌞🏜💗✝

  5. halfanewfie2
    halfanewfie2 says:

    I finally got my broken refrigerator replaced. Instead of focusing on what I lost, I sat down and made a new inventory plan. My new unit is much wider than the previous model. I can now fit baking sheets inside the refrigerator to chill pastry. I will be making homemade pastry short crust and rough puff instead of buying it. I am now also only buying what I know I will absolutely use.


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