Meal Plan for Ultimate Vegan Satisfaction #2 || WFPB

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Ready to learn the ins and outs of a balanced vegan lifestyle? Ready to jump into wellness through plants? I created a …

33 replies
  1. Lady Fae
    Lady Fae says:

    I always like your videos but today everything looks so delicious I thought it time to subscribe! Also I'm looking at at a bag of Rice Ramen noodles in my kitchen that I just wasn't sure what to do with and now I know because OMG that salad looked amazing!!

  2. Vegan For Animals
    Vegan For Animals says:

    Awesome recipes, I liked the advice about having an abundant mindset too. Sometimes we have all we need to succeed we just gotta find a way to shape things to work best for us!

    Becoming vegan helped me understand this concept great, society tries to tell you how much you will lose out on by becoming vegan but there's so much more to gain if you view it without that bias.

  3. Myah Winter
    Myah Winter says:

    Before anyone changes to a vegan life style they should keep in mind they need to clean out their pantry/fridge/freezer to replace the foods and/or materials this was the biggest mistake years ago when I changed this big part of my life also anyone else who lives with them could store their food in another part of the pantry or fridge to keep their foods separate good luck to anyone trying!

  4. C L
    C L says:

    Yes, insta pots are freaking AMAZING!!! I got lucky, a friend ended up with 2 and gave me the extra! I regularly thank her for it! Best kitchen appliance ever

  5. Cierra Ann
    Cierra Ann says:

    I’ve been full vegan (cold tofurkey) since January 1st, I have never had issues with gut health, but I’m curious if the non-cookbook fiber fueled book would be something I should read?


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