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Hey family! In today’s video we’re doing some country cooking and tackling a to do list! Yesterday’s video: …

33 replies
  1. RitaPsych1
    RitaPsych1 says:

    I have been exploring different meal planner formats and discovered a website where I can print different formats for free so that’s pretty cool. Manley is able to identify so many animals! Impressive. Your dinner looks tasty. I love using timers also, Falon. We usually eat around 5 pm. Have a lovely evening.

  2. KindnessMatters
    KindnessMatters says:

    Fresh toss salad, fried sweet corn, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy for us this evening. ♥︎
    Your supper looked yum!♡ thanks for sharing! Appreciate you Falon! You and Titus has a wonderfully sweet family. ♥︎

  3. Kathy’s Crazy Life
    Kathy’s Crazy Life says:

    I love your videos. When I was growing up, we ate supper at 5:30 because that’s when my parents got home from work. My granny lived with us and she always had supper ready when they came home. Now I’m 65 and my husband is retired. He likes his big meal now at lunchtime. So I try to have it ready about 11:00. His mama lives with us. She’s 90 yo.

  4. Teresa T.
    Teresa T. says:

    Omgoodness gracious ❣️ Your breakfast looked so yummy and beautiful 🌟 Your fried potatoes, oh, my goodness looked amazing 🌟 Manley, is an absolutely amazing little boy 💙 Thank you for sharing such wonderful vlogs ❣️ Our Supper at home was about the same… we always ate as soon as my dad got home from work 4:30 on the nose My hubby worked 2nd. Shift. So, I would pack his up, so he could eat for lunch at work. ☹️ Y'all take care and enjoy your night. We'll see y'all tomorrow 🎄 Oh, I wanted to tell you that Gunnar Nelson was one of our son's clients for years..he said he was one of the nicest guys ever ..My son told him that I loved Ozzy and Harriet…lol I told my son, Max… no, I had a crush on their dad, Ricky. Lol

  5. Lola Kovac
    Lola Kovac says:

    Hello Moss family, I need to take a page out of your book about making a list. I love the sign hanging in your laundry room. "Nothing like free fresh collards southern style''. Manny is so smart. God bless yall !

  6. Dianne Dutton
    Dianne Dutton says:

    I'm a list maker, I have them by my bedside, kitchen, purse, car. My mother had supper at 5 on the dot. Since it's usually just me, I usually 5, sometimes later. I like getting finished early. As I've gotten older I cook early while I have the energy. Mama always made baked beans with leftover navy beans. I made collard butter bean soup Sun it was good.

  7. Sarah Ketcherside
    Sarah Ketcherside says:

    I've never seen someone make pork chops and mashed potatoes with pinto beans and cornbread. We always do pinto beans, fried potatoes and cornbread. But I love how organized and motivated you are. Idk how you do it all.

    Ps, is that Titus singing on that song? He has such an amazing voice.

  8. Elaine Buchka
    Elaine Buchka says:

    Manny 🏡 Home😅😅😍😍😘😘He is So Sweet. As Always Food makes me hungry.. YUMMY!! I don't at this moment, have a set time for Supper !! Since I'm a Disabled, Empty Nester..I can't do a lot of things I used to do..I used to get SO MUCH accomplished, Think You Always Do…/ wish there was a Snap Clean Lol…GOD BLESS

  9. MetalScrappinChick
    MetalScrappinChick says:

    You seriously need to stop with the snap cleans, I'm getting totally jealous lol 😁. Either stop or come and teach me how it's done. Because when I snap – my mess just sits there staring at me all uncooperative lol 😂

  10. Jennifer Okoktok
    Jennifer Okoktok says:

    We are a random with our eating times. Could be 4, could be 6. It depends on the day and hunger level. ❤️ Manny’s flying bird was adorable. His imagination and intelligence just makes my heart burst! It was very obvious who grabbed the eggs with that baritone voice. 🤣


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