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24 replies
  1. A Cera
    A Cera says:

    Aspirin used every day is harmful. Cayenne pepper has been found to helpful with the same concern. However diet must be addressed as Dr. McDougall has always said.

  2. Keeping it Simple
    Keeping it Simple says:

    Always enjoy Dr Mcdougall. Just started sharing videos on my YouTube channel about how our family of 4 has made this WFPB lifestyle work for us for the past 14 years. Keeping it simple is key. Starches are also key!

  3. Timothy Bilsky
    Timothy Bilsky says:

    Mary made a great point about the “organic” rice that could still be grown in old cotton fields. I remember when I used to get organic long grain brown rice at ALDI was labeled “USA,” then it went to no country origin. Lately, it’s said “India,” so I’m thinking it was losing sales from consumers who didn’t want to buy the US grown rice, since it might be from the southeast.

  4. Cassandra Tondro
    Cassandra Tondro says:

    I agree that it's helpful to be around like-minded people. Unfortunately I don't have that here. I do have a doctor that was trained by Dr. McDougall, but I never get to see him, only the nurse practitioner, who has never even heard of the McDougall Diet. It's an uphill battle! The nurse practitioner ordered bloodwork for lipids and protein because she suspected I had high cholesterol and not enough protein. ??? I've been on the McDougall Diet for 20 years! Both tests were normal.

  5. Miz Frog
    Miz Frog says:

    I don't find their recipes as simple as they claim. And, most of their recipes are too big, make too many servings. I have found a few that are suitable for me, but not many of them.


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