Maximum Weight Loss Breakfast Ideas // Eat More Weigh Less

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34 replies
  1. Annette Shively
    Annette Shively says:

    The vanilla powder is pure sugar for a hefty price, at least that is the first ingredient. I've gotten several of the products you have mentioned and have been very happy with them, but think I'll stick to vanilla extract. I do love your channel. Love the simplicity and how you demonstrate how to prep the foods.

  2. Sil Perrotti
    Sil Perrotti says:

    Hi love, just starting this 50/50 program and trying this oatmeal was so delicious and the veggies too. It is so filling and I can't finish it all. Thank you and love your videos❤️❤️

  3. Tina Adame
    Tina Adame says:

    I looked for Chelsea's Lunch Ideas link in the description box, but only found Hannah's Dinner Ideas link. Can you tell me where to get the link for Chelsea's video? Thank you!

  4. Katina Williams
    Katina Williams says:

    I could never eat this much in one sitting. I'm more of a grazer. I'll have to check out more of your videos. Not familiar with the plan. But I definitely need to get healthy and lose weight 🙂

  5. Cindy Artrip
    Cindy Artrip says:

    Hi! For someone starting out how much you do recommend they eat each meal ounces of each veggies/starches. I'm only asking because I don't think I could eat that much. Thanks

  6. MsValmark
    MsValmark says:

    Just had to tell you…I found your channel on Sunday and have been looking at and listening to your vids every since .. even at work. You have literally changed/blown my mind with the foods that are beautiful and simple to make and eat. Always wanted to go more plant based with some of the same issues that you have. I attend a boot camp 5 to 6 days a week (since March 2020) and there is something missing..yes, the weight is coming off and it is very noticeable now, but I felt that my diet is holding me back with the amount of exercise I do. So here I am, sitting here eating 85% veggies, 10% starch and 5% meat for my lunch and have been incorporating more veggies, if not all veggies, like Monday night..(i'm walking now, but need to add starches). I'm like you…Mama Bear makes one meal and Papa Bear eats. I think this just may be what he needs to finally drop weight. The cheese sauce may be the game changer…he loves cheese. I've purchased Dr. McDougall's book on kindle and audiobook. Just want to tell you thank you for making this appealing for everyone to be able to do. Stay tuned for updates! Thank you again~

  7. Jelli B.
    Jelli B. says:

    These meals look great. I was getting tired of feeding my family oatmeal every morning, despite my love for it. Where I live, we cannot buy steel cut oats 🙁 and must use ove-rprocessed old fashioned oats.Can't wait to bake some sweet potatoes today for breakfast tomorrow! Thank you, Kiki, for the inspo on your channel. My family is slooowly making it into a more WFPB diet and my kids have loved your recipes too.

  8. Bente Reekers
    Bente Reekers says:

    I don't get it. So much food and you lose weight?
    I eat 350grams each meal (for weeks now. No sugar or carbs) and I don't lose anything.
    And I am really overweight. I really don't get it 😞


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