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42 replies
  1. Ellen Endres
    Ellen Endres says:

    I keep buying peanut butter when I have jars stashed everywhere! Those dang cabinet doors keep them hidden! Do a freezer organization! (I just found 20# of ground beef in mine 😳)

  2. Ellen Endres
    Ellen Endres says:

    Love your videos! I do this to our pantry and turns out I'm the slob 😂 we don't have kids and my husband taps the cereal and that's about it. I'm the chef and need to get my spices under control!!! Life goal: no cabinet doors!!! If it's not out of sight, it's gotta be tidy!

  3. Kim Woodard
    Kim Woodard says:

    I redid mine… again. I labeled all my baskets/bins AND labeled the shelf that it was on so hopefully the family can find things easier and put. them. back. I'm dreaming, I know. 😂

  4. Cindy Ptasnik
    Cindy Ptasnik says:

    What is the music you used on this video? Such a nice love song for a wedding. Got one coming in the future and need to know the name of the song and the artist, pleeze. : )

  5. Deanna Stilwell
    Deanna Stilwell says:

    If you don't have to reorganize your pantry every few months, I don't trust you. I think you'll last between 1-2 months, I feel like I can last a while until I do a big grocery haul.

  6. pdxoregon1
    pdxoregon1 says:

    Nice!! Organizing tip: Eat only whole foods (not food products), and then you save money (doctor visits, allergy meds, pain relievers, etc). AND you save lots of space. 🙂

  7. Kaylee Yaylee
    Kaylee Yaylee says:

    Call me crazy but I actually keep inventory on my notes in my phone of what I have in my pantry so I can scroll through easily and see what I have to cook all the time 🙂

  8. Erica Gestelle
    Erica Gestelle says:

    Wow Christine! That looks so good! I’m really glad you recognize that it will just need regular maintenance each week, with having so many people go in & out of the pantry on a regular basis. Having the labels should help keep that to a minimum though 🙂 And who cares if it doesn’t match! If it functions well for you that’s what matters most!

  9. Nana NH
    Nana NH says:

    I can't keep my closet organized for the life of me. But I did look for those multi purpose baskets today at my walmart cause those would be perfect but, they didn't carry them… Great video always a pleasure to watch you 🙂

  10. Lovin ItAll
    Lovin ItAll says:

    I bought some heavy duty shelving for my food pantry .We heard a crash in the night.Yep,We had 2 collapse and knocking another one over making a pile of broken glass ,Food and dented cans , about 800 lbs of food damaged in a huge pile .It is full of glass so each jar must be carefully picked up cleaned off and checked for cracks or dents and set aside .So OVERWHELMED I am beyond knowing where to start esp since I am handicapped and can only stand for short times .

  11. rantybaby
    rantybaby says:

    Why are THERE so many open bags of chips and snacks at one time?

    My mom's rule was: ONE BAG AT A TIME until it's gone!! THEN move to the next flavor!! 😉😉

  12. Julie H
    Julie H says:

    I have a finished cellar with lots of shelves. I don't use the bins yet, everything seems to stay in it's place, but I feel everything about the kids putting things away and leaving empty boxes in the upstairs cabinets where I leave things we are currently using. 🤪

  13. Nancy Newman
    Nancy Newman says:

    I have added large clear drawers to the fridge, the pantry etc. Dump ad go, and don't buy more than fits in the CONTAINer. I think the bins you just added will improve things as they fit the size of your family better than the small ones. 🙂

  14. Covers Corner Surburban Homestead
    Covers Corner Surburban Homestead says:

    I'm the same as you. When I look at my pantries and try to figure out what to do, it's overwhelming. I will never have everything matchy-matchy either. LOL I think it looks great. And, like you said, it has to work for YOU! Thanks for sharing and inspiring! ~ Stephanie

  15. Texadian Stitcher
    Texadian Stitcher says:

    Go on pinterest, search for iced guava passionfruit drink. Your welcome. 😉

    It's pretty good. I should've bought refrigerated coconut milk vs canned, but I also found frozen passionfruit pulp at kroger…😈.


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