Martha Stewart’s Famous One Pot Pasta Recipe – Martha Stewart

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Everyone loves a weeknight meal they can get on the table in 20 minutes. This one-pot pasta recipe combines a few fresh …

37 replies
  1. Larry Procunier
    Larry Procunier says:

    Have made this dish on numerous occasions and we really enjoy it. This time around though I added some sliced olives and a can of tuna and it was truly delicious. So good for such a simple recipe.

  2. FlowerPower 233
    FlowerPower 233 says:

    I think the main idea is one pot. So I eould instead make my sauce say bolognese or whatever style it is first in a deep saute pan and add enough stocl or water at the end, just shalloe enough to cook pasta, and i would probably choose a short pasta like pene or something. So it might take a bit longer but still meets the single pot criteria.

  3. Pietro Barile
    Pietro Barile says:

    As an Italian, I can't read all these favorable comments about a simply obscene dish; I feel compelled to give a couple of tips to those who have never eaten a real pasta dish, in order to be able to cook a decent one at home.
    1) The quality of the ingredients: if the raw materials suck, the end result will suck, there's no danger of making a mistake. Above all, the pasta must be of high quality, otherwise it will never cook properly and once placed in hot water it will become a good glue for attaching posters.
    2) There are many ways to make a dish of pasta with tomato sauce, perhaps the fastest one is the following: put oil in a pan and ONE clove of garlic to fry (it can be whole or crushed, so you can remove it in a second moment, or cut into slices so that it remains on the plate, according to personal tastes). When the garlic is sautéed (NOT burnt), add the cherry tomatoes cut in half and salt a little, adding some chilli if you want; meanwhile, throw the pasta into a pot of boiling salted water. One or two minutes before the pasta is cooked, take it out of the water and put it in the tomato sauce (which must be reduced but not dry) until the end of cooking, adding a little cooking water if necessary, i.e. if the sauce has become too dry. Before removing it from the heat, add hand-chopped basil; it should be eaten immediately, if desired with a pin of Parmigiano Reggiano on top.

    The cooking times are the same as those required by this insult to Italian cuisine, because the tomato practically cooks in the same time as the pasta; instead of ONE pot it takes two, but at least in this way you will avoid eating boiled garlic and basil. And above all, the final result will not look like dog food.

  4. sandtats
    sandtats says:

    Made this many times; terrific! But in this video she left the EVO out of the cooking process. In the original written recipe the EVO is added to the pot, 2 TBSP drizzled over the top of all the ingredients. I'm sure still delicious!

  5. MAX
    MAX says:

    Da italiano ti dico che se vieni in Italia, in casa di un qualsiasi italiano e cucini la pasta in questo modo… rischi la vita! Quel piatto è un abominio . In 3 minuti hai mandato a fare in culo un secolo di tradizione italiana

  6. Scott Powers
    Scott Powers says:

    I tried this but I used a can of crushed tomatoes and one small shallot instead of the onion and as soon as the pasta was still slightly undercooked I turned it off, covered it and let it stand for 5-7 minutes. Delicious.

  7. RoyalBrenda
    RoyalBrenda says:

    This pasta is actually really tasty! I do add in additional Italian seasonings and everything comes together easily. It’s a very quick and delicious meal when you’re short on time!


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