Martha Stewart Teaches You How To Cook Rice | Martha's Cooking School S1E6 "Rice"

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If you have rice in your pantry, you’re well on your way to a great meal — something you have in common with home cooks around the globe — but do you know …

44 replies
  1. Jason son of Torah
    Jason son of Torah says:

    Yes you are all one running down the broad road to hell right now. Sinning merrily by taking the false christ name and image of the beast PAUL of tarsus. The name and image if the jesus replaces God in your hearts and leaves you all in sin running down the broad road to hell. You all accept the lies that came after the true gospel was left. That gospel was to be named Mattan gospel but was stolen and put with the false christ testament that was sent out after God took Yehoshua the teacher of GOD'S good news to his lost people the Isra'elites. We were sent away from God long ago for sin and then in the Mattan gospel God sent us the message that if we repent and take up God's covenant commandments again and fight sin and the devil that he would help us clean out all sin from our minds and lives and heal us, lift us up and free us from sinning, the opposite of the false christ that did away with God and His covenant and left you to all wallow in sin willfully breaking God's eternal commandments for life. You have all been duped by the fake the name and image used to lead you all away from our God who said we can never have another beside him, never. You worship worship name and image of the false christ, that came from the leaven of the pharisee Paul who like them need a man to save them cause they want to also have the power of God in man's eyes. That is how Satan controls man, he uses the leaders and influence of men who all want to be like God but keep sinning in their hearts. Sure they fool mankind all day long but no one can lie to God and so God is telling you all the truth again so you can choose to stop sin and return to God alone or stay dead in sin and perish. Paul of tarsus is the man of sin who lead the whole world away from God into deep sin. They think they have light but when you sin its just imagination and so you really all dwell in the valley of death right now. The shadow of death hovers over all of you because you chose the name and image of jesus to worship instead of GOD ALONE

  2. Tish W
    Tish W says:

    I have shared these episodes with my family. I have a lot of young families in our group who did not have cooking classes, like I did, in high school.
    These videos are perfect for cooking the basics correctly plus encouraging experimentation. I'm a huge fan.

  3. booster
    booster says:

    Well if you're in the "Philippines" Filipino mom's teaches you like a pro no need for measurement cause all you need to measure a water is your second finger line and you have a perfect rice

  4. دامون
    دامون says:

    The best and most delicious one is Persian rice. They call it "Chelow" when is drained and "Cateh" when is cooked in a pan.Iran has her own rice which comes from north part of country provinces.Iranian rice is white and long and has a unique aroma and flavour.🍚👌

  5. LuRo
    LuRo says:

    The good thing about the french method is that it can help remove some of the arsenic present in rice. My favorite method is the traditional one but I never add butter. Only salt and some oil. Some people add some garlic while cooking and it is delicious!

  6. T Anderson
    T Anderson says:

    Just buy a Authentic Rice Cooker ( not the one $12 or $15, at Walmart or Target or Grocery Market, a real Rice Cooker cost about $80 to $100 ) or Instant Pot ( need to set the time ) All you have to do just push the button and it will do your work.

  7. Juju B
    Juju B says:

    Okay wow, never even heard of bamboo grass nor did I know wild rice wasn’t rice and was the seed of marsh grass! This is why I love watching Martha 🧡🧡🧡


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