Mark Meadows BREAKSD0WN in T£ARS After been DRAGGED into Trump's WORST N!GHTMARE

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trump #trumpnews #DonaldTrump #ivankatrump #donjr Mark Meadows has Been Drawn to Trump’s problems Kindly subscribe …

15 replies
  1. Isis Beck
    Isis Beck says:

    hopefully they all go to prison for their Hundreds of hoodlum gangster thug gang banging activies. I'm not fund of Jim Crow Joe however I really truly despise DonHoe Tramp. Both parties have racist ex president and current president but 400+ years are over and some folks running around with their heads cut off trying to save the privilege they've enjoyed at the expense of me, my ancestors and others that looks like me. y'all numbers are currently low, y'all forget we all must reap what we sow of yeah that's right y'all only take the parts outta the Bible that fits y'all agenda. I swear I don't like being vengeful but I would be honored to see the suffering some people put upon others. Hell a certain group of people bought tickets to see public lynchings of innocent black men, women and children Hell they even brought their children of all ages to see and practice hate shyt they've cut body parts like penis, fingers, toes, eye ball, lips etc off of my ancestors and sold them as souvenirs, they took pictures standing by the victims as they swong from the tree and made them to be post cards sold in the post office so I really shouldn't feel ashamed but I'm a human being that feels bad for others pain even when they don't feel bad for mine. if ever I want to commit suicide again I'll be certain to take a whole lot of FEW persons w*** me. I figure I could at the least help the garbage man/woman take out some trash before I go. smh no one should EVER FEEL THIS BITTER BUT I ADMIT I'VE BEEN ABLE TO TURN THE OTHER CHEEK FOR 47 YEARS AT THE LEAST AND I REFUSE TO TEACH MY YOUTH TO TURN THEIR OTHER CHEEK SIMPLY BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE DON'T RESPECT TURNING A CHEEK THE ONLY THING SOME FOLKS RESPECT IS VIOLENCE AND I'M WELCOMING ANYONE TO COME GET IT. leave folks tf alone already no more yeeesa massa, no more racoon shows being performed at the zoo, no more going alone to get alone NO MORE IF Y'ALL BS WILL BE TOLERATED I PROMISE Y'ALL. SMH

  2. Delmonico Farquhar
    Delmonico Farquhar says:

    Meadows is just another disgusting sycophant of the madman Trump who was happy to become a co-conspirator in his attempt to destroy American democracy by stealing the 2020 election. He should definitely stand trial, although standing for him might prove impossible since he has no backbone.

  3. Laurie
    Laurie says:

    His hair is looking like a Rats/mice nest. It’s so gross. And what’s up with S. Carolina? Miss Lindsay is such an Inept. Politician. What has he DONE for S.Carolinians? EVER?

  4. iam_Odyssey
    iam_Odyssey says:

    Lol, Look at these bot accounts sounding off. Trumps so screwed and by the law he made so he could use it against dems. If you blindly follow him and his bullshit, you deserve the bamboozle.

  5. Junior B. Evanson
    Junior B. Evanson says:

    Why is a dishonest, pathological liar like trump being allowed to debase and dishonour the Presidency of the United States of America on a daily basis? It is high time all the living Former Presidents come out – singly or collectively – and disassociate themselves from his type of unseemly behaviour. The current US government also needs to defund trump for bringing the office into disrepute. Enough is enough.


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