#ManchesterUnited. #MarcusRashford.#Fareshare. Red Devil's Red Dish aka #Quorn 🌶 with #InstantPot.

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This is my delicious cooking tribute to my favourite football team Manchester United and hero Marcus Rashford. It is a one pot protein packed dish which is quick …

7 replies
  1. Niti Chaudhry
    Niti Chaudhry says:

    I’m definitely trying this recipe tomorrow, Tiya! Being a vegetarian, I’m always looking for high protein options & this one very timely, & looks delicious!!
    Also, Mani etta is ours!! The Mohans are the highest bidders!! Woohoo! 🤣🤣

  2. P D
    P D says:

    Did you feed the Red Devil’s tonight!! They have won the game and they are in semis. BTW fantastic presentation and good social awareness for your age. Keep going 👧.

  3. chitraganesan28
    chitraganesan28 says:

    Two things Tiya….1) I love your message. I was also brought up to be aware of what's happening around the world and to always stand up or speak up for a cause. So it's lovely to see you talking about something that matters to you. 2) Can I please be your minion???😍😍


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