Man Absolutely DESTROYS Cop Logic! – KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!

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Welcome back to San Joaquin audits. Today’s video is sort of a follow up to yesterdays video. But there’s no chronological order …

39 replies
  1. Brian Tracer
    Brian Tracer says:

    Destroyed? Destroyed?????? He got stopped, he gave his name, he allowed the search, in what world is that considered destroying the cops? I admit I'm totally black-pilled after watching 1000's of videos of cops purportedly being 'destroyed', when in reality 0.0001% of cops get so much as a slap on the wrist. Sorry for unloading this on your video, I know it's not you or anyone's fault, its just such a joke at this point.

  2. Maxamillionaire
    Maxamillionaire says:

    I did this video several years ago. I edited out the end and never claimed the man got let go. He was arrested after they found a (not insignificant) amount of cocaine in his car. Dog did alert. I personally spoke to this man and at the time he was trying to get the evidence thrown out for unlawful detainment and search.

  3. Carnage Bringer
    Carnage Bringer says:

    That was some very questionable thoughts. If you have suspicion that I am personally under the influence with "dilute pupils" and "residue on my nostril," why aren't you testing for DUI first? 🤔
    It's like you really just want to legally illegally search my effects. Loopholes are something.

  4. Rosebud Rosebud
    Rosebud Rosebud says:

    corrupt cops looking for anything to arrest and destroy innocent Americans lives. just for the fun of it. these are vile despicable parasites. I hope they have long and miserable lives. disgusting pigs.

  5. Canadapatriot
    Canadapatriot says:

    Those dogs are notorious for following secret directions from tyrant handlers plus they scratch the f*ck out of your paint. Try keeping the camera trained on the officer for tells and nefarious actions. If they find something your prints better be on the planted dope.

    JOE SCHMIT says:

    the drug dogs are trained to make a HIT by a trained word or signal to make it look like the dog is hitting on drugs when all its doing is what its trained to do when given the word or signal ,the only way to stop police corruption is end qualified immunity and hold these corrupt power tripping mentally unstable pigs and public servants accountable

    JOE SCHMIT says:

    heres another corrupt pig wasting resources calling in the drug dog because he hasn't got anything on him and needs to find a reason to do a search hes making up bullshit lying that he looks drugged up and looks like hes stoned so he needs to search the car , power tripping and seems like retaliation against him abusing his corrupt NAZI badge to violate his rights and justify his corrupt NAZI criminal behavior,the only way to stop police corruption is end qualified immunity and hold these corrupt power tripping mentally unstable pigs and public servants accountable

  8. Donald Marwitz
    Donald Marwitz says:

    This is called extending the stop by. Not providing the proper drug testing for the original reasonly. Pulled you over and and by going this message. It could certainly fall under fruits from the poisonous tree doctrine. And even if there was anything in there, that's the first thing a defense lawyer would fight for. This clearly is dishonest criminal activity of police officers to try to circumvent your rights.

  9. Media Watch
    Media Watch says:

    Reasonable suspicion to search? That's not the standard we apply to justify a search. If you read your Fourth Amendment, it tells you the correct justification right there. The problem here is that the officer is engaged in verbal masturbation with a detainee and waiting on a K9 instead of attending to business reasonably related to the stop (writing a warning or ticket), and thereby unlawfully extending the stop. Terry v. Ohio (U.S. Sup. Ct., 1968) says the investigative detention must be brief.

  10. Derek Nielsen
    Derek Nielsen says:

    This will be used against the police officers in court. Any evidence they find will not be admissible in court. Chances are if they issue him a citation, the judge will drop it. Sure they get a revenue for their department for arrests and tickets, but they would actually have to be convicted of the offense for it to stick.

  11. Derek Nielsen
    Derek Nielsen says:

    Searching a car without authorization, do they know or realize that anything they find would not be held as evidence in a courtroom. An unauthorized vehicle search could very well hold theml accountable.

  12. Richard Goss
    Richard Goss says:

    Every time a canine officer is called, and the canine marks your car, and then they search it, and there are no drugs found in your car file a complaint against the canine officer, and the dog, especially the dog. That dog is considered a police officer get the dogs badge number file, a complaint against the dog because that dog can be wrong forever. Nothing happens he could be wrong 80% of the time and that dog and that officer keep their job that’s wrong.

  13. Jessica Morgan
    Jessica Morgan says:

    Pupils dilate on coca… not constrict. This cop is a joke like so many of his comrades. But agree with a lot of people here, ask if you're free to go, if not, why you're being detained and don't answer any questions… I'll take the ticket and be on my way. All you're doing is giving them time for the canine to get there to frame you for something.

    Edit typo

  14. Transparency & Accountability Coalition
    Transparency & Accountability Coalition says:

    The contempt law enforcement has for enforcing fundamental and well-established law like our Bill of Rights is alarmingly duplicitous. The audacity for any 'law enforcement' to think an unwarranted pat down for weapons is not intrusion on an individual's Fourth Amendment rights – is extremely alarming in rule of law. The bell tolls every time a bad cop uses discretionary 'color of law' – a mere semblance of legal right; something done with the apparent authority of law but actually in contravention of law, where no legal authority exists. And it's a crime federal under Title 18 Section 241 & 242. 'Arbitrary nature of police power and how it can infect the process of justice should not escape anyone targeted by repressive controls over the social, economic, and political life of the people, especially by means of a militarized police force. Nothing more inti-democratic than arbitrary police powers becouse the consequences that are imposed upon us are life altering. Put in in a cage , entrap you in a system that’s unjust. When people who enforce the law are not subject to it, then law has no meaning'.


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